- crystallo
1> в сложных словах-терминах имеет значение кристалло-:
crystalloblastic кристаллобластиический
crystallogeny кристаллогенезис
crystallogram рентгенограмма кристалла
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
CRYSTALLO — Soli opposito, admotam facem acdendi, legimus apud Aristophanem in Nub. ΣΤΡ. Η῎δη παρὰ τοῖσι φαρμακοπώλαις τὴν διαφανῆ Ταύτην ἑώρας τὴν καλὴν, τὴν διαφανῆ, Α᾿φ᾿ ἧς τὸ πῦρ ἅπτουσι: ΣΩ. τὴν ὕαλον λέγω. STR. Vidistine apud pharmacopolas pellucidum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
crystallo- — [kris′tə lō, kris′tələ] [< Gr krystallos, CRYSTAL] combining form crystal [crystallography] … English World dictionary
Crystallo Apartments — (Пафос,Кипр) Категория отеля: Адрес: Ikarou 2 , Kato Paphos, 8103 Пафос, Кипр … Каталог отелей
crystallo ceramie — ▪ glass also called Cameo Incrustation, Crystal Cameo, or Sulphides, cut crystal glass in which a decorative ceramic object is embedded. A Bohemian invention of the 18th century, cameo incrustation was taken up in Paris but had no vogue until … Universalium
crystallo- — combining form see crystall … New Collegiate Dictionary
crystallo- — a combining form meaning crystal, used in the formation of compound words: crystallography. Also, crystall , crystalli . [ < Gk krystallo , comb. form of krýstallos CRYSTAL] * * * … Universalium
crystallo- — or crystalli cry aff. a combining form representing crystal: crystallography[/ex] • Etymology: < Gk krystallo , comb. form of krýstallos crystal … From formal English to slang
crystallo- — a word element meaning crystal , as in crystallographic. Also, (before a vowel), crystall . {Greek krystallo , combining form of krystallos} …
crystallo- — see crystall … Useful english dictionary
Early modern glass in England — The early modern period in England (c. 1500 1800) brought on a revival in local glass production. Medieval glass had been limited to the small scale production of forest glass for window glass and vessels, predominantly in the WealdKenyon, G.H.,… … Wikipedia
ACENTETA — Graec. Α᾿κέγτητα, apud Plin. l. 37. c. 2. ubi de de Crystallo, Est et rufa alioqui rubigo: aliis capillamentum rimae simile, hoc artisices caelaturâ occultant: quae verô sine vitio sunt, pura esse malunt, acenteta appellantes, nec spumae colore,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale