- crura
- [ʹkrʋ(ə)rə] pl от crus
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
CRURA — varicandi ac disparandi modi duo, quorum alterum Daedalus in simulacris primus expressit, vide infra in voce Varus. Illa, uti pedes, tibias, ac femora, fasciis involvebant Antiqui, Hebraei, Graeci, Romani; interque eos aegroti primum et… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Crura — Cru ra (kr? r?), n. pl. (Anat.) See {Crus}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Crura — (lat.), Mehrzahl von Crus, Schenkel, sowohl Unter als Oberschenkel; daher Crural, was sich auf den Schenkel bezieht. Crurisossa (Anat.), Schenkelknochen … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Crura — Crus Crus (kr?s), n.; pl. {Crura} (kr? r?). [L., the leg.] (Anat.) (a) That part of the hind limb between the femur, or thigh, and the ankle, or tarsus; the shank. (b) Often applied, especially in the plural, to parts which are supposed to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
crura — Plural of crus. * * * crura pl of CRUS * * * cru·ra (krooґrə) [L.] plural of crus … Medical dictionary
Crura of superficial inguinal ring — The subcutaneous inguinal ring. (Superior crus labeled at bottom right.) Latin crus mediale anuli inguinalis superficialis, crus laterale anuli inguinalis superficialis Gray s … Wikipedia
crura fornicis — crura for·ni·cis fȯr nə .sis, ə .kis n pl CRUS (2e) … Medical dictionary
Crura cerebri — Lage des Mittelhirns (3), frontaler Schnitt Das Mittelhirn (lat. Mesencephalon) ist ein Teil des Hirnstamms und liegt zwischen Brücke (Pons) und Zwischenhirn (Diencephalon). Das Mittelhirn steuert die meisten Augenmuskeln und ist ein wichtiger… … Deutsch Wikipedia
crura ossea — osseous crura: those parts of the bony semicircular canals of the ear that lodge the correspondingly named parts of the membranous crura of the semicircular ducts; see crura ossea ampullaria, c. osseum commune, and c. osseum simplex … Medical dictionary
crura membranacea — membranous crura: the two ends of each semicircular duct of the ear, both opening into the utricle. See crura membranacea ampullaria ductus semicircularis, c. membranaceum commune ductus semicircularis, and c. membranaceum simplex ductus… … Medical dictionary
crura ossea ampullaria — [TA] ampullary bony crura: the parts of the bony semicircular canals of the ear that lodge the crura membranacea ampullaria ductus semicircularis … Medical dictionary