Смотреть что такое "croneyism" в других словарях:
croneyism — (cronyism) A derogatory term referring to partiality shown to long standing friends and associates, sometimes involving appointing them to key public positions without regard for their qualifications. The term ‘Tony’s cronies’ (coined by… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics
clientelism — The term for a style of politics based on the relationships that link individuals of unequal power (patrons and clients). In a system of patronage and behind thescenes favours, public sector jobs and contracts may be allocated on the basis of… … Glossary of UK Government and Politics
cronyism — (also croneyism) noun derogatory the improper appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority … English new terms dictionary
cronyism — (also croneyism) ► NOUN derogatory ▪ the improper appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority … English terms dictionary