- cromagnon man
Cro-Magnon man
1> _антр. кроманьонский человек, кроманьонец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
paleolithic man — noun Usage: often capitalized P : a man of or peculiar to the Paleolithic period (as the Heidelberg, Neanderthal, or CroMagnon) * * * any of the prehistoric populations of humans, as the Cro Magnon, living in the late Pliocene and the Pleistocene … Useful english dictionary
John Beddoe — (born 1826 in Bewdley, Worcestershire died 19 July 1911 [http://www.jstor.org/pss/2840440] ) was one of the most prominent English ethnologists in Victorian Britain. Beddoe lived in Bristol.He believed that eye colour and hair colour were… … Wikipedia
Parco della Preistoria di Rivolta d'Adda — (Rivolta d Adda Prehistory Park) is an Italian naturalistic park of more 100 hectares of secular wood, situated in outskirts of the Rivolta d Adda commune, Cremona province. The park is adjacent to the homonym Adda river and characterized by 30… … Wikipedia
Indie 2000 — was a series of alternative music compilations that enjoyed moderate success in Australia throughout the latter half of the 90s. There were a total of 9 volumes. The title was changed to simply Indie for volume 8 9. The compilations consisted of… … Wikipedia
Frankokantabrische Höhlenkunst — Topographische Karte des frankokatabrischen Raumes; vergleicht man sie mit der anschließenden Karte, erkennt man die bevorzugte Lage der Bilderhöhlen an den Ausläufern von Gebirgszügen mit mächtigen, Höhlenbildung begünstigenden Kalkformationen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gerard Blanchard — Gérard Blanchard Pour les articles homonymes, voir Gérard Blanchard (homonymie). Gérard Blanchard est un auteur compositeur interprète français. Il est un des premiers à avoir utilisé l accordéon pour jouer du rock (rockaccordéon), bien avant les … Wikipédia en Français
Gérard Blanchard — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Gérard Blanchard (homonymie). Gérard Blanchard, né le 7 février 1953 à Tours, est un auteur compositeur interprète français. Il est un des premiers à avoir utilisé l accordéon pour jouer du rock… … Wikipédia en Français
The Residents — Origin Shreveport, Louisiana, United States Genres Avant garde, experimental, multimedia art Years active 1966 1969–present Labels … Wikipedia
Petrosomatoglyph — This footprint carved into the rock on Dunadd, in Argyll, is linked to the crowning of the Scots kings of Dál Riata. A petrosomatoglyph is an image of parts of a human or animal body incised in rock. Many were created by Celtic peoples, such as… … Wikipedia
Höhlen — (hierzu Tafel »Höhlen I und II«), natürliche, unterirdische Hohlräume in den verschiedensten Gesteinen, oft ohne jede Kommunikation mit der Erdoberfläche, so daß der Nachweis ihrer Existenz Zufälligkeiten (Wegbauten, Tunnelbohrungen, Einstürzen… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Argentine rock — The moment when Argentine rock began as a distinct musical style can be traced to the middle 1960s, when several garage groups and aspiring musicians began composing songs and lyrics that related to local social and musical themes. Rock Roll… … Wikipedia