- cremains
- [krıʹmeınz] n pl
пепел (после кремации); прах кремированного[cremated + remains]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cremains — [krē mānz′] pl.n. the ashes remaining after a body has been cremated … English World dictionary
cremains — (cree.MAYNZ) n. The remains of a person who has been cremated. Example Citation: For a few hundred dollars, Rock Water Creations of Fillmore will deposit the dearly departed in stumps, fake boulders or rocks even in a sleeping bear or a leaping… … New words
cremains — noun Cremated remains of a deceased person. Some people prefer to keep the cremains in their homes in a special place … Wiktionary
cremains — noun plural Etymology: blend of cremated and remains Date: 1947 the ashes of a cremated human body … New Collegiate Dictionary
cremains — /kri maynz /, n.pl. the ashes of a cremated corpse. [1945 50; b. CREMATE and REMAINS] * * * … Universalium
cremains — cre·mains kri mānz n pl the ashes of a cremated human body … Medical dictionary
cremains — cre|mains [ krı meınz ] noun plural AMERICAN INFORMAL ASHES that are left after CREMATION (=burning a dead body instead of burying it) … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
cremains — n. remaining ashes of a corpse after it has been cremated … English contemporary dictionary
cremains — cre·mains … English syllables
cremains — UK [krɪˈmeɪnz] / US noun [plural] American informal ashes that are left after cremation … English dictionary
cremains — cre•mains [[t]krɪˈmeɪnz[/t]] n. pl. cvb the ashes of a cremated corpse • Etymology: 1945–50; b. cremate and remains … From formal English to slang