- creditworthy
- [ʹkredıt͵wɜ:ðı] a ком.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
creditworthy — cred‧it‧wor‧thy [ˈkredtˌwɜːði ǁ ˌwɜːr ] adjective ECONOMICS BANKING if a country, business, or individual is creditworthy, they are in a good position financially and have a good record of paying back loans on time, so institutions can lend… … Financial and business terms
creditworthy — cred·it·wor·thy / kre dit ˌwər t̲h̲ē/ adj: likely to be able to repay loans or consumer credit cred·it·wor·thi·ness n Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. cr … Law dictionary
creditworthy — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ considered suitable to receive commercial credit. DERIVATIVES creditworthiness noun … English terms dictionary
creditworthy — [kred′it wʉr΄thē] adj. considered sufficiently sound financially to be granted credit: also sp. credit worthy creditworthiness n … English World dictionary
creditworthy — [[t]kre̱dɪtwɜː(r)ði[/t]] also credit worthy ADJ GRADED A creditworthy person or organization is one who can safely be lent money or allowed to have goods on credit, for example because in the past they have always paid back what they owe.… … English dictionary
creditworthy — credit worthy credit worthy creditworthy creditworthyadj. having an acceptable credit rating; worthy of having credit extended; as, a credit worthy customer. Syn: responsible. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
creditworthy — cred|it|wor|thy [ˈkredıtˌwə:ði US ˌwə:r ] adj formal considered to be able to pay debts ▪ creditworthy borrowers >creditworthiness n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
creditworthy — / kredɪtwɜ:ði/ adjective having enough money to be able to buy goods on credit ● We will do some checks on her to see if she is creditworthy … Marketing dictionary in english
creditworthy — / kredɪtwɜ:ði/ adjective having enough money to be able to buy goods on credit ● We will do some checks on her to see if she is creditworthy … Dictionary of banking and finance
creditworthy — adjective Date: 1924 financially sound enough to justify the extension of credit • creditworthiness noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
creditworthy — creditworthiness, n. /kred it werr dhee/, adj. having a satisfactory credit rating. [1555 65, for an earlier sense; CREDIT + WORTHY] * * * … Universalium