- credentialism
- [krıʹdenʃ(ə)lız(ə)m] n неодобр.
оценка (работника) по документам, дипломам и т. п. (обыкн. при приёме на работу)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Credentialism — is a term used to describe a primary reliance on credentials for purposes of conferring jobs or social status[1]. In some jobs, employers require a diploma, academic degree, security clearance, or professional license for a job which does not… … Wikipedia
credentialism — [kri den′shəl iz΄əm] n. reliance, often excessive reliance, on a person s credentials, specif. academic degrees, as indicators of his or her abilities or potential for success as an employee … English World dictionary
credentialism — A process of social selection in which class advantage and social status are linked to the possession of academic qualifications. Credentialism expresses the ideology that qualifications reflect either the expertise or attributes necessary for… … Dictionary of sociology
credentialism — noun Date: 1967 undue emphasis on credentials (as college degrees) as prerequisites to employment … New Collegiate Dictionary
credentialism — /kri den sheuh liz euhm/, n. excessive reliance on credentials, esp. academic degrees, in determining hiring or promotion policies. [1965 70; CREDENTIAL + ISM] * * * … Universalium
credentialism — noun an overemphasis on the importance of academic, legal, or regulatory qualifications … Wiktionary
credentialism — cre·den·tial·ism … English syllables
credentialism — krə̇ˈdenchəˌlizəm, krēˈ noun ( s) : undue emphasis on credentials (as college degrees) as prerequisites to employment * * * /kri den sheuh liz euhm/, n. excessive reliance on credentials, esp. academic degrees, in determining hiring or promotion… … Useful english dictionary
Gatekeepers — A gatekeeper is defined as someone who controls access to something. It also refers to individuals who decide whether a given message will be distributed by a mass medium.Gatekeeping RolesGatekeepers serve several different purposes such as… … Wikipedia
Educational attainment in the United States — The educational attainment of the U.S. population is similar to that of many other industrialized countries with the vast majority of the population having completed secondary education and a rising number of college graduates that outnumber high … Wikipedia
Appeal to authority — An appeal to authority or argument by authority is a type of argument in logic called a fallacy. It bases the truth value of an assertion on the authority, knowledge, expertise, or position of the person asserting it. It is also known as argument … Wikipedia