- airedale
- [ʹeədeıl] n
1. эрдельтерьер (порода собак; тж. Airedale terrier)2. мор. жарг. (airedale) «эрдель» (прозвище техника морской авиации или летчика ВМС)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
airedale — [ ɛrdɛl ] n. m. • 1900; mot angl., abrév. de Airedale terrier (1880), nom de la vallée (dale) de l Aire ♦ Chien terrier à poil dur, à corps court et musclé. Des airedales. airedale [ɛʀdɛl] n. m. ÉTYM. 1900, in Höfler; mot angl., abrév. de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Airedale — is a geographic area in Yorkshire, England, corresponding to the river valley of the River Aire (pronounced air ). The valley stretches from the river s origin in Malham which is in the Yorkshire Dales, down past Bradford, through Leeds and… … Wikipedia
Airedale — bezeichnet einen Ort in Neuseeland, Airedale (Neuseeland) eine Landschaft in England, die mit dem Tal des Aire zusammenfällt. eine Vorstadt von in Castleford, West Yorkshire, siehe Airedale (Castleford) eine Hunderasse, siehe Airedale Terrier … Deutsch Wikipedia
Airedale — n. 1. 1 a breed of large wiry coated terriers, bred in Yorkshire. Syn: Airedale terrier [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Airedale — type of terrier, 1880, named for Airedale, a district in West Riding, Yorkshire. Name registered by Kennel Club (1886), for earlier Bingley (where first bred), or broken haired terrier. [Weekley] … Etymology dictionary
Airedale — ► NOUN ▪ a large rough coated black and tan breed of terrier. ORIGIN from Airedale, a district in Yorkshire … English terms dictionary
Airedale — [er′dāl΄] n. [after Airedale, valley of the River Aire in England] any of a breed of large terrier having a hard, wiry, tan coat with black markings … English World dictionary
Airedale — 54° 01′ 01″ N 1° 27′ 54″ W / 54.017, 1.465 Airedale est un secteur … Wikipédia en Français
Airedale — /air dayl /, n. one of a breed of large terriers having a wiry, black and tan coat and a docked tail. Also called Airedale terrier. [1875 80; short for Airedale terrier; so called from the name of a district in Yorkshire where the dogs were bred] … Universalium
Airedale — noun see Airedale terrier … New Collegiate Dictionary
Airedale — noun a) A district in the West Riding of Yorkshire surrounding the vale of the River Aire b) An Airedale terrier … Wiktionary