crash out

crash out
[ʹkræʃʹaʋt] phr v амер. вор. жарг.
бежать из тюрьмы; вырваться на волю

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "crash out" в других словарях:

  • crash out — (slang) 1. To fall asleep 2. To become unconscious • • • Main Entry: ↑crash …   Useful english dictionary

  • crash out — phrasal verb [intransitive] Word forms crash out : present tense I/you/we/they crash out he/she/it crashes out present participle crashing out past tense crashed out past participle crashed out informal 1) to suddenly start sleeping, usually when …   English dictionary

  • crash out — PHRASAL VERB If someone crashes out somewhere, they fall asleep where they are because they are very tired or drunk. [INFORMAL] [V P] I just want to crash out on the sofa... [V ed P] The band are crashed out on the floor …   English dictionary

  • crash out (of something) — ˌcrash ˈout (of sth) derived (sport) (BrE) to lose a game with the result that you have to stop playing in a competition • They crashed out of the World Cup after a 2 1 defeat to Brazil. • Ireland crashed out of the competit …   Useful english dictionary

  • Crash out — 1. collapse or fall asleep with exhaustion; 2. get knocked out of a contest …   Dictionary of Australian slang

  • crash out — Australian Slang 1. collapse or fall asleep with exhaustion; 2. get knocked out of a contest …   English dialects glossary

  • crash out — Verb. To pass out due to intoxication or tiredness …   English slang and colloquialisms

  • crash out — verb a) To be eliminated. b) To fall asleep …   Wiktionary

  • crash out —  1. Go to sleep (usu. in someone else s house, or uninvited, e.g. at a party).  2. End an experience of taking the drug LSD. [Pop.] …   A concise dictionary of English slang

  • out-crash — out crash, out crawl see out …   Useful english dictionary

  • crash — ► VERB 1) (of a vehicle) collide violently with an obstacle or another vehicle. 2) (of an aircraft) fall from the sky and violently hit the land or sea. 3) move with force, speed, and sudden loud noise. 4) make a sudden loud, deep noise. 5) (of… …   English terms dictionary

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