aircraft hand

aircraft hand
рядовая вспомогательного корпуса авиации (в ВВС Великобритании)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "aircraft hand" в других словарях:

  • Aircraft finance — refers to financing for the purchase and operation of aircraft. Complex aircraft finance (such as those schemes employed by airlines) shares many characteristics with maritime finance, and to a lesser extent with project finance.Private… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft on ground — (AOG) is a term in aviation maintenance indicating that a problem is serious enough to prevent an aircraft from flying. Generally there is a rush to acquire the parts to put the aircraft (A/C) back into service, and prevent further delays or… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft warning lights — are high intensity lighting devices that are attached to tall structures and used as collision avoidance measures. Such devices make the structure much more visible to passing aircraft and are usually used at night, although in some countries… …   Wikipedia

  • hand-off — /hand awf , of /, n. 1. Football. a. an offensive play in which a player, usually a back, hands the ball to a teammate. b. the ball itself during the execution of such a transfer: He fumbled the hand off. 2. Aviation. the condition or period in… …   Universalium

  • hand|off — «HAND F, OF», noun. 1. the handing of a football from one offensive back to another: »He fumbled the handoff from the quarterback. 2. the condition or period in which control of an aircraft is transferred from one airport s control tower to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Aircraft lavatory — An aircraft lavatory is an on board bathroom with a toilet and sink.Minimum standardsLavatories per passenger provided aboard aircraft vary considerably from airline to airline and aircraft to aircraft. On board North American aircraft, including …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft of the Battle of Britain — The Battle of Britain (German: [ um England Luftschlacht um England ] ) was an effort by the German Luftwaffe during during the summer and autumn, 1940 to gain air superiority over the United Kingdom in… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft catapult — An aircraft catapult is a device used to launch aircraft from ships in particular aircraft carriers as a form of assisted take off. It consists of a track built into the flight deck, below which is a large piston or shuttle that is attached… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft losses of the Vietnam War — There were a great many aircraft losses during the Vietnam War. Hundreds of U.S. fixed wing aircraft were lost to ground fire of antiaircraft artillery (AAA), surface to air missiles (SAMs), and fighter interceptors (MiG)s. The great majority of… …   Wikipedia

  • hand luggage — noun luggage that is light enough to be carried by hand • Hypernyms: ↑baggage, ↑luggage * * * hand luggage UK US noun [uncountable] tourism small bags that passengers are allowed to carry with them on a plane or bus Thesaurus: bags and cases for… …   Useful english dictionary

  • hand-off — noun a) A pass made in a backward direction. b) The transfer of the radar identification of an aircraft from one controller to another when the aircraft enters the receiving controllers airspace and radio …   Wiktionary

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