- cowpea
- [ʹkaʋpi:] n бот.
вигна китайская, коровий горох (Vigna sinensis)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cowpea — Black eyed peas Scientific classification Kingdom: Plantae (unra … Wikipedia
Cowpea — Cow pea (kou p[=e] ), n. 1. The seed of one or more leguminous plants of the genus {Dolichos}; also, the plant itself. Many varieties are cultivated in the southern part of the United States. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A leguminous plant ({Vigna… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cowpea — ☆ cowpea [kou′pē΄ ] n. 1. a viny annual plant (Vigna unguiculata) of the pea family, bearing seeds in slender pods: grown in S U.S. for forage, green manure, etc. 2. the edible seed of this plant, cooked as a vegetable; black eyed pea … English World dictionary
cowpea — noun 1. fruit or seed of the cowpea plant • Syn: ↑black eyed pea • Hypernyms: ↑legume • Part Holonyms: ↑cowpea plant, ↑black eyed pea, ↑Vigna unguiculata, ↑V … Useful english dictionary
cowpea — /kow pee /, n. 1. a plant, Vigna unguiculata, extensively cultivated in the southern U.S. for forage, soil improvement, etc. 2. the seed of this plant, used for food. Also called black eyed pea. [1810 20, Amer.; COW1 + PEA] * * * or black eyed… … Universalium
cowpea — n. annual legume grown in the southern USA for forage and soil improvement, black eyed pea; edible seed of the cowpea plant … English contemporary dictionary
cowpea — noun 1》 a tropical leguminous plant cultivated for its edible pods and seeds. [Vigna unguiculata.] 2》 the seed of the cowpea as food … English new terms dictionary
cowpea — kininė pupuolė statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Pupinių šeimos daržovinis, maistinis, pašarinis, vaistinis kultūrinis augalas (Vigna unguiculata), kilęs iš Afrikos. atitikmenys: lot. Vigna unguiculata angl. black eyed pea; clay pea; cowpea;… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Cowpea mosaic virus — (CPMV) Virus classification Group: IV: (+)sense RNA Viruses Order: Picornavirales Family: Secoviridae Sub … Wikipedia
Cowpea chlorotic mottle virus — (CCMV) Virus classification Group: IV: (+)sense RNA Viruses Family: Bromoviridae Genus: Bromovirus … Wikipedia
Cowpea mild mottle virus — Virus classification Group: Group IV ((+)ssRNA) Family: Flexiviridae Genus … Wikipedia