- countrywoman
- [ʹkʌntrı|͵wʋmən] n (pl -women [-{ʹkʌntrı}͵wımın])
1. землячка, соотечественница2. сельская жительница, (по)селянка; крестьянка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Countrywoman — Coun try*wom an ( w??m an), n.; pl. {Countrywomen} ( w?m ?n). A woman born, or dwelling, in the country, as opposed to the city; a woman born or dwelling in the same country with another native or inhabitant. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
countrywoman — [kun′trēwoom΄ən] n. pl. countrywomen [kun′trēwim΄in] 1. a woman who lives in the country 2. a woman of one s own country; compatriot … English World dictionary
countrywoman — [[t]kʌ̱ntriwʊmən[/t]] countrywomen 1) N COUNT A countrywoman is a woman who lives in the country rather than in a city or a town. She had the slow, soft voice of a countrywoman. 2) N COUNT: usu poss N Your countrywomen are women from your own… … English dictionary
countrywoman — UK [ˈkʌntrɪˌwʊmən] / US noun [countable] Word forms countrywoman : singular countrywoman plural countrywomen UK [ˈkʌntrɪˌwɪmɪn] / US 1) a woman who is from the same country as you 2) a woman who lives in the countryside … English dictionary
countrywoman — noun Date: 15th century 1. a woman who is a compatriot 2. a woman who is a resident of the country … New Collegiate Dictionary
countrywoman — /kun tree woom euhn/, n., pl. countrywomen. 1. a woman who is a native or inhabitant of one s own country. 2. a woman who lives in the country. [1400 50; late ME; see COUNTRY, WOMAN] Usage. See woman. * * * … Universalium
countrywoman — noun a) A female compatriot b) A woman who lives in the country or has retained country ways … Wiktionary
countrywoman — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A person who is from one s own country: compatriot, countryman, fellow citizen. See GROUP … English dictionary for students
countrywoman — coun|try|wom|an [ˈkʌntriˌwumən] n plural countrywomen [ ˌwımın] BrE a woman who lives in the country rather than in a town or city … Dictionary of contemporary English
countrywoman — coun|try|wom|an [ kʌntri,wumən ] (plural coun|try|wom|en [ kʌntri,wımın ] ) noun count 1. ) a woman who is from the same country as you 2. ) a woman who lives in the countryside … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
countrywoman — irr. n. woman from the country; woman from one s own country … English contemporary dictionary