- countertype
- [ʹkaʋntətaıp] n книжн.
1. логическая противоположность2. аналог; параллельное явление (в другой сфере)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
countertype — [kount′ər tīp΄] n. 1. an opposite type 2. a parallel, or corresponding, type … English World dictionary
countertype — /kown teuhr tuyp /, n. 1. a corresponding type. 2. an opposite type. [1615 25; COUNTER + TYPE] * * * … Universalium
countertype — coun·ter·type … English syllables
countertype — coun•ter•type [[t]ˈkaʊn tərˌtaɪp[/t]] n. 1) a corresponding type 2) an opposite type • Etymology: 1615–25 … From formal English to slang
countertype — /ˈkaʊntətaɪp/ (say kowntuhtuyp) noun 1. an opposing type. –verb (t) (countertyped, countertyping) 2. to type in opposition to …
countertype — “+ˌ noun Etymology: counter + type : a corresponding type : equivalent … Useful english dictionary
LGBT stereotypes — Dykes on Bikes motorcycle group in a pride parade is considered a stereotype of butch lesbians. Stereotypes about lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are conventional, formulaic generalizations, opinions, or images about persons … Wikipedia
Orthopaedic sports medicine — is a subspecialty of orthopaedic medicine and sports medicine. The word orthopaedic derives from “ortho” which is the Greek root for “straight” and “pais” which is the greet root for child. During the early history of orthopaedic medicine,… … Wikipedia
antitype — n. [Gr. anti, against; typos, type] 1. An opposite type; a countertype. 2. A corresponding specimen of a type species, obtained at the same time and location of the type. This definition has no standing in the ICZN … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
match — [n1] competition bout, contest, engagement, event, game, meet, race, rivalry, sport, test, trial; concept 363 match [n2] counterpart, equal adversary, analogue, antagonist, approximation, companion, competitor, complement, copy, correlate,… … New thesaurus
parallel — [adj1] aligned, side by side alongside, coextending, coextensive, coordinate, equidistant, extending equally, in the same direction, lateral, laterally, never meeting, running alongside; concepts 581,586 Ant. crooked, separate, skewed, zigzag… … New thesaurus