

1> высокий тенор, альт, фальцет

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "countertenor" в других словарях:

  • countertenor — [kount′ər ten΄ər] n. [ME countretenour < OFr contreteneur: see COUNTER & TENOR] 1. an adult male voice, usually in falsetto, with a range similar to the contralto and sometimes reaching the soprano 2. a singer with such a voice; a male alto 3 …   English World dictionary

  • countertenor — ► NOUN ▪ the highest male adult singing voice …   English terms dictionary

  • Countertenor — Voice type Female voices Soprano Mezzo soprano Contralto Male voices Countertenor Tenor Baritone Bass A countertenor is a male singing voice whose vocal range is equivalent to that of a contralto, mezzo soprano, or (less frequently) a soprano,… …   Wikipedia

  • Countertenor — Als Countertenor (von italienisch contrattenore), auch Altus (von lat. altus „hoch, hell“) oder seltener Kontra bzw Kontertenor, wird ein männlicher Sänger bezeichnet, der mit Hilfe einer durch Brustresonanz verstärkten Kopfstimmen bzw. Falsett… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • countertenor — /kown teuhr ten euhr/, n. Music. 1. an adult male voice or voice part higher than the tenor. 2. a singer with such a voice; a high tenor. Also called male alto. [1350 1400; ME cownturtenur, appar. < AF; cf. MF contreteneur, OIt contratenore,… …   Universalium

  • countertenor — UK [ˌkaʊntə(r)ˈtenə(r)] / US [ˈkaʊntərˌtenər] noun [countable] Word forms countertenor : singular countertenor plural countertenors music a man who sings with a very high voice …   English dictionary

  • Countertenor — Coun|ter|te|nor 〈[ kaʊntə(r) ] m. 1u; Mus.〉 männliche Altstimme, hoher Tenor [<engl. counter „entgegengesetzt“ + Tenor] * * * Coun|ter|te|nor [ ka̮untɐ… ], der; s, …öre [engl.] (Musik): a) Contratenor; …   Universal-Lexikon

  • countertenor — [[t]ka͟ʊntə(r)tenə(r)[/t]] countertenors also counter tenor N COUNT A countertenor is a man who sings with a high voice that is similar to a low female singing voice. Syn: alto …   English dictionary

  • countertenor — coun•ter•ten•or [[t]ˈkaʊn tərˌtɛn ər[/t]] n. 1) mad a tenor who can approximate the vocal range of a female alto without resort to falsetto 2) mad a voice part for a countertenor • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME, appar. < AF; cf. MF contreteneur, It …   From formal English to slang

  • countertenor alto — high pitched high pitched adj. 1. high in pitch or frequency; used of sounds and voices. Opposite of {low}. [Narrower terms: {adenoidal, pinched, nasal}; {altissimo}; {alto}; {countertenor, alto}; {falsetto}; {peaky, spiky}; {piping}; {shrill,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • countertenor — noun Etymology: Middle English countretenour part balancing the tenor, from Middle French contreteneur, from contre + teneur tenor Date: 15th century a tenor with an unusually high range (as an alto range) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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