- countermarch
- 1. [ʹkaʋntəmɑ:tʃ] n воен.
контрмарш2. [͵kaʋntəʹmɑ:tʃ] v воен.1) возвращаться обратно или в обратном порядке2) возвращать обратно; приказывать вернуться
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
countermarch — [kount′ər märch΄; ] for v., also [ kount΄ər märch′] n. 1. a march back or in the opposite direction 2. a marching movement in which a file or column reverses its direction, the individuals remaining in the same order and position vi., vt. to… … English World dictionary
Countermarch — Coun ter*march (koun t?r m?rch ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Countermarched} ( m?rcht ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Countermarching}.] (Mil.) To march back, or to march in reversed order. [1913 Webster] The two armies marched and countermarched, drew near and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Countermarch — Coun ter*march (koun t?r m?rch ), n. 1. A marching back; retrocession. [1913 Webster] 2. (Mil.) An evolution by which a body of troops change front or reverse the direction of march while retaining the same men in the front rank; also, a movement … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
countermarch — n. /kown teuhr mahrch /; v. /kown teuhr mahrch , kown teuhr mahrch /, n. 1. a march back over the same ground. 2. a complete reversal of conduct or measures. v.i. 3. to execute a countermarch. v.t. 4. to cause to countermarch. [1590 1600; COUNTER … Universalium
countermarch — coun•ter•march [[t]ˈkaʊn tərˌmɑrtʃ[/t]] n. 1) a march back over the same ground 2) to execute a countermarch 3) to cause to countermarch • Etymology: 1590–1600 … From formal English to slang
countermarch — /ˈkaʊntəmatʃ/ (say kowntuhmahch) noun 1. a march back again. 2. a complete reversal of conduct or measures. –verb (i) 3. to turn about and march back along the same route; execute a countermarch. –verb (t) 4. to cause to countermarch …
countermarch — noun Date: 1598 1. a marching back; specifically a movement in marching by which a unit of troops reverses direction while marching but keeps the same order 2. a march (as of political demonstrators) designed to counter the effect of another… … New Collegiate Dictionary
countermarch — 1. noun A march back along the same route 2. verb To march back along the same route … Wiktionary
countermarch — n. reverse march, marching back over the same territory v. march back over the same territory … English contemporary dictionary
countermarch — v. n. March back, reverse the direction of a march … New dictionary of synonyms
countermarch — n 1. reversal, about face, turnabout; backlash, recoil, reaction, boomerang, rebound. v 2. do an about face, veer round, wheel about; turn tail, take to one s heels, retrace one s steps; retreat, retire, draw back; revert, retrogress, fall back;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder