- counterconditioning
- [͵kaʋntəkənʹdıʃ(ə)nıŋ] n психол.
контркондиционирование; стимулирование замены нежелательной реакции желательной (напр., для устранения страха перед выходом на сцену)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
counterconditioning — noun Date: 1962 conditioning in order to replace an undesirable response (as fear) to a stimulus (as an engagement in public speaking) by a favorable one … New Collegiate Dictionary
counterconditioning — /kown teuhr keuhn dish euh ning/, n. Psychol. the extinction of an undesirable response to a stimulus through the introduction of a more desirable, often incompatible, response. [1960 65; COUNTER + CONDITIONING] * * * … Universalium
counterconditioning — noun A form of conditioning in which a negative response to a stimulus is replaced by a positive one … Wiktionary
counterconditioning — Any of a group of specific behavior therapy techniques in which a second conditioned response ( e.g., approaching or even touching a snake) is introduced for the express purpose of counteracting or nullifying a previously conditioned or learned… … Medical dictionary
counterconditioning — n. reverse training, reverse conditioning … English contemporary dictionary
counterconditioning — coun·ter·con·di·tion·ing … English syllables
counterconditioning — coun•ter•con•di•tion•ing [[t]ˌkaʊn tər kənˈdɪʃ ə nɪŋ[/t]] n. psl pst the extinction of an undesirable response to a stimulus through the introduction of a more desirable, often incompatible, response • Etymology: 1960–65 … From formal English to slang
counterconditioning — ¦ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ ( ̷ ̷ ) ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: counter + conditioning, gerund of condition : conditioning in order to replace an undesirable response (as fear) to a stimulus (as an engagement in public speaking) by a favorable one … Useful english dictionary
Контробусловливание (counterconditioning) — В 1924 г. М. К. Джоунз, студентка Дж. Уотсона, опубликовала статью, описывающую успешное излечение от страха перед кроликами трехлетнего мальчика по имени Питер. К. представляет собой процедуру, при к рой реакция на некий раздражитель замещается… … Психологическая энциклопедия
Noise phobia in dogs — Dog Noise Phobia, along with Dog Noise Anxiety, are terms sometimes used by dog owners and veterinarians to describe canine fear of and the corresponding stress responses to loud noises. Noise related phobia are common in dogs, and may be… … Wikipedia
Transtheoretisches Modell — Das Transtheoretische Modell (TTM, „Transtheoretical Model“) ist ein Konzept zur Beschreibung, Erklärung, Vorhersage und Beeinflussung von intentionalen Verhaltensänderungen. Das von James O. Prochaska von der University of Rhode Island und… … Deutsch Wikipedia