- counterargument
- [ʹkaʋntə(r)͵ɑ:gjʋmənt] n
контрдовод; встречный довод
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
counterargument — I noun answer, audi alteram partem, challenge, confutation, contradiction, contraremonstrance, contravention, controversion, counteraccusation, countercharge, counterclaim, counterprotest, counterreply, counterstatement, defense, denial, disproof … Law dictionary
counterargument — 1862, from COUNTER (Cf. counter ) + ARGUMENT (Cf. argument) … Etymology dictionary
counterargument — [kount′ər är΄gyo͞o mənt] n. an argument, or a reason or line of reasoning, given in opposition to another argument … English World dictionary
Counterargument — In reasoning and argument mapping, a counterargument, also known as a rebuttal, is an objection to an objection. A counterargument can be used to rebut an objection to a premise, a main contention or a lemma. Other synonyms for such opposing… … Wikipedia
counterargument — /kown teuhr ahr gyeuh meuhnt/, n. a contrasting, opposing, or refuting argument. [1860 65; COUNTER + ARGUMENT] * * * … Universalium
counterargument — noun An argument that is opposed to another argument … Wiktionary
counterargument — coun•ter•ar•gu•ment [[t]ˈkaʊn tərˌɑr gyə mənt[/t]] n. a contrasting, opposing, or refuting argument • Etymology: 1860–65 … From formal English to slang
counterargument — /ˈkaʊntəagjəmənt/ (say kowntuhahgyuhmuhnt) noun an opposing argument …
counterargument — noun an argument offered in opposition to another argument • Hypernyms: ↑argument, ↑statement * * * “+ noun Etymology: counter + argument : an opposing or answering argument * * * /kown teuhr ahr gyeuh meuhnt/, n. a contrasting, opposing, or… … Useful english dictionary
Pre-Greek substrate — The term Pre Greek substrate refers to an unknown language that is conjectured to have been spoken in prehistoric Greece before the settlement of Greek speakers in the area. It is believed by some linguists that Greek took over a large number of… … Wikipedia
Charter school (New York) — Main article: Charter school See also: Education in New York This article is mainly about characteristics specific to those charter schools that are in New York State. Contents 1 Authorizers 2 Governing state law … Wikipedia