
1. [ʹkaʋns(ə)l] n
1. обсуждение, совещание

to take /to hold/ counsel with smb. - совещаться с кем-л.

to take counsel together - совещаться между собой

2. совет

to give good counsel - дать хороший совет

a lawyer's counsel - совет /консультация/ юриста

3. книжн. решение, намерение, план

they took counsel that they might put him to death - библ. (они) положили убить его

4. (pl без измен.)
1) представитель защиты или обвинения

counsel for the defendant /for the defence/ - защитник или защита обвиняемого /подсудимого/

counsel for the prosecution - обвинитель или обвинение в уголовном процессе (обыкн. прокурор)

counsel for the plaintiff - адвокат истца

to be heard by counsel - вести дело через адвоката

to take counsel's opinion - проконсультироваться у адвоката

2) юрисконсульт (тж. legal counsel)
5. арх., библ. мудрость, премудрость

counsel of perfection - совет, невыполнимый для простого смертного; ≅ выше человеческих сил

to keep one's (own) counsel - скрывать (что-л.); держать в секрете (что-л.), помалкивать (о чём-л.)

to take counsel of one's pillow - ≅ утро вечера мудренее

good counsel does no harm - ≅ хороший совет не идёт во вред

2. [ʹkaʋns(ə)l] v
советовать, давать совет, рекомендовать; давать юридическое заключение

to counsel instant action - рекомендовать немедленные действия

to counsel smb. to leave at once - посоветовать кому-л. выехать немедленно

to counsel smb. against smth. - отсоветовать кому-л. делать что-л.

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "counsel" в других словарях:

  • counsel — coun·sel 1 / kau̇n səl/ n pl counsel [Old French conseil advice, from Latin consilium discussion, advice, council, from consulere to consult]: lawyer: as a: a lawyer participating in the management or trial of a case in court have the… …   Law dictionary

  • Counsel — Coun sel (koun s[e^]l), n. [OE. conseil, F. conseil, fr. L. consilium, fr. the root of consulere to consult, of uncertain origin. Cf. {Consult}, {Consul}.] 1. Interchange of opinions; mutual advising; consultation. [1913 Webster] All the chief… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • counsel — coun‧sel [ˈkaʊnsl] noun [countable usually singular] LAW 1. a lawyer who represents a client in a court of law; = barrister Bre: • My defence counsel destroyed his evidence on that fact alone. • The prosecuting counsel told the jury that there… …   Financial and business terms

  • Counsel — Coun sel, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Counseled} ( s[e^]ld) or {Counselled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Counseling} or {Counselling}.] [OE. conseilen, counseilen, F. conseiller, fr. L. consiliari, fr. consilium counsel.] 1. To give advice to; to advice, admonish …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • counsel — (n.) early 13c., from O.Fr. counseil (10c.) advice, counsel; deliberation, thought, from L. consilium plan, opinion (see CONSULTATION (Cf. consultation)). As a synonym for lawyer, first attested late 14c. The verb is recorded from late 13c., from …   Etymology dictionary

  • counsel — [n1] guidance admonition, advice, advisement, caution, consideration, consultation, deliberation, direction, forethought, information, instruction, kibitz*, recommendation, steer, suggestion, tip, tip off*, two cents’ worth*, warning, word to the …   New thesaurus

  • counsel — ► NOUN 1) advice, especially that given formally. 2) (pl. same) a barrister or other legal adviser conducting a case. 3) archaic consultation, especially to seek advice. ► VERB (counselled, counselling; US counseled, counseling …   English terms dictionary

  • counsel — [koun′səl] n. [ME & OFr counseil < L consilium (for base see CONSULT); confused in ME with COUNCIL] 1. a mutual exchange of ideas, opinions, etc.; discussion and deliberation 2. a) advice resulting from such an exchange b) any advice …   English World dictionary

  • counsel — n 1 *advice Analogous words: admonishing or admonition, chiding, reproaching or reproach (see corresponding verbs at REPROVE): warning, forewarning, cautioning or caution (see corresponding verbs at WARN): precept, rule (see LAW) 2 * …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • counsel — counsel; mis·counsel; …   English syllables

  • Counsel — (engl., spr. Kauns l), abgekürzt von Counseller, Rathgeber, Rath, Sachwalter, Advocat; Queens C. (spr. Kwihns K.), Rath der Königin, ist ein als besondere Auszeichnung einem Sergeant at law verliehener Titel, mit welchem das Vorrecht verbunden… …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

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