- cottier
- [ʹkɒtıə] n
1. крестьянин, живущий в коттедже2. = cottar 2
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cottier — may refer to: Surname Cottier (surname), a name originating from the British Isles Various Cottier (farmer), a type of serf, also cottar, cottager This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same title. If an … Wikipedia
Cottier — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Anton Cottier (1943–2006), Schweizer Politiker (CVP) Georges Cottier OP (* 1922), Kardinal der römisch katholischen Kirche Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehre … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cottier — Le nom est surtout porté dans la Haute Loire. Un hameau s appelle Cottier à Retournac, dans le même département, et pourrait être à l origine du nom de famille. Signification possible : coteau (sens de l occitan costiera). On trouve également des … Noms de famille
cottier — [kät′ē ər] n. 〚ME & OFr cotier,COTTER1〛 1. in Great Britain and Ireland, a farmer who lives in a cottage 2. Historical in Ireland, a peasant renting a small piece of land under a system (called cottier tenure) of renting land to the highest… … Universalium
cottier — [kät′ē ər] n. [ME & OFr cotier,COTTER1] 1. in Great Britain and Ireland, a farmer who lives in a cottage 2. Historical in Ireland, a peasant renting a small piece of land under a system (called cottier tenure) of renting land to the highest… … English World dictionary
Cottier — Cot ti*er ( t[i^]*[ e]r), n. [OF. cotier. See {Coterie}, and cf. {Cotter}.] In Great Britain and Ireland, a person who hires a small cottage, with or without a plot of land. Cottiers commonly aid in the work of the landlord s farm. [Written also… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cottier — (spr. Kottiëh), Jacques, Arzt u. Astrolog Ludwigs XI., der sich durch seinen Einfluß auf die Stimmung des Königs allein von Allen bis zuletzt dem Könige unentbehrlich machte … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
cottier — n. Brit. 1 a cottager. 2 hist. an Irish peasant under cottier tenure. Phrases and idioms: cottier tenure hist. the letting of land in small portions at a rent fixed by competition. Etymology: ME f. OF cotier f. med.L cotarius: see COTERIE … Useful english dictionary
cottier — [ kɒtɪə] noun 1》 archaic a rural labourer living in a cottage. 2》 historical an Irish peasant holding land by cottier tenure. Origin ME: from OFr. cotier, ult. of Gmc origin and related to cot2 … English new terms dictionary
cottier — /ˈkɒtiə/ (say koteeuh) noun 1. an Irish peasant holding a portion of land directly from the owner, the amount of rent being fixed not by custom or private agreement but by public competition (cottier tenure). 2. → cottager (def. 1). {Middle… …
Cottier (surname) — Cottier is a surname. It is of English origin, however can also be an Americanized form of a French and Swiss surname. Contents 1 Origin of the surname 2 Variations 3 Use of the name 4 References … Wikipedia