- air vesicle
- [ʹeə͵vesık(ə)l]
1) анат., бот. воздушный пузырёк2) анат. лёгочная альвеола
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
air vesicle — n. Bot. a space filled with air, found in many floating water plants … English World dictionary
air vesicle — Bot. a large, air filled pocket, chiefly in plants that float on water, as kelps. * * * air vesicle, an air sac i water plant … Useful english dictionary
air vesicle — air′ ves icle n. bot a large, air filled pocket occurring chiefly in plants that float on water, as kelps … From formal English to slang
air vesicle — /ˈɛə vɛsɪkəl/ (say air vesikuhl) noun a large air filled pocket, present mainly in plants which float on water …
air vesicle — Bot. a large, air filled pocket, chiefly in plants that float on water, as kelps. * * * … Universalium
air vesicle — hard, hollow spheres of bone in Clupeidae … Dictionary of ichthyology
air float — noun : an air vesicle … Useful english dictionary
vesicle — [ves′i kəl] n. [< Fr or L: Fr vésicule < L vesicula, dim. of vesica, bladder] 1. a small, membranous cavity, sac, or cyst; specif., a) Anat. Med. a small cavity or sac filled with fluid; esp., a small, round elevation of the skin containing … English World dictionary
vesicle — ► NOUN 1) Anatomy & Zoology a small fluid filled sac or cyst. 2) Medicine a blister full of clear fluid. 3) Botany an air filled swelling in a seaweed or other plant. 4) Geology a small cavity in volcanic rock, produced by gas bubbles.… … English terms dictionary
air bladder — air′ blad der n. 1) a vesicle or sac containing air 2) ich an air filled sac at the top of the body cavity in bony fishes, serving in most to regulate hydrostatic pressure Also called swim bladder • Etymology: 1725–35 … From formal English to slang
Vesicle — In dermatology, a vesicle is a small blister, as on the skin. Vesicles also occur on the mucous membranes, such as the buccal mucosa (the lining of the mouth). Vesicles are less than .5 centimeters in diameter.In anatomy, a vesicle is any small… … Medical dictionary