- cotidal
1> _геогр. равноприливный
co-tidal line котидальная линия
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cotidal — cotidal, ale, aux [ kɔtidal, o ] adj. • 1872; mot angl., de co et tidal « de la marée » ♦ Géogr. Ligne, courbe cotidale, passant par les points où la marée a lieu à la même heure. ● cotidal, cotidale, cotidaux adjectif (anglais cotidal, de tide,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
cotidal — COTIDÁL, Ă adj. Linie cotidală = curbă care uneşte punctele de pe suprafaţa mărilor şi oceanelor în care mareele au loc la aceeaşi oră. [< fr. cotidal]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 23.04.2006. Sursa: DN COTIDÁL, Ă adj. linie cotidală (şi s. f.) … Dicționar Român
Cotidal — Co*tid al (k? t?d al), a. Marking an equality in the tides; having high tide at the same time. [1913 Webster] {Cotidal lines} (Phys. Geog.), lines on a map passing through places that have high tide at the same time. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cotidal — [kō tīd′ l] adj. indicating the coincidence in time or extent of tides [cotidal lines on a map] … English World dictionary
cotidal — cotidal, ale (entrée créée par le supplément) (ko ti dal, da l ) adj. Courbes cotidales, courbes qui passent par tous les points où la marée a lieu à la même heure. ÉTYMOLOGIE Co..., et angl. tide, marée … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
cotidal — adj. 2 g. Diz se de uma curva que passa por todos os pontos em que a maré se verificou à mesma hora … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
cotidal — (ˈ)kō+ adjective Etymology: co + tidal : marking or indicating an equality in the tides or a coincidence in the time of high or low tide cotidal lines on a chart * * * /koh tuyd l/, adj. 1. pertaining to a coincidence of tides. 2. (on a chart or… … Useful english dictionary
Cotidal lines — Cotidal Co*tid al (k? t?d al), a. Marking an equality in the tides; having high tide at the same time. [1913 Webster] {Cotidal lines} (Phys. Geog.), lines on a map passing through places that have high tide at the same time. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Cotidal lines — (engl., spr. kotāīdel lains), Isorachien, s. Ebbe und Flut … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
cotidal — adjective Date: 1833 indicating equality in the tides or a coincidence in the time of high or low tide … New Collegiate Dictionary
cotidal — /koh tuyd l/, adj. 1. pertaining to a coincidence of tides. 2. (on a chart or map) indicating a line connecting points at which high tide occurs at the same time. [1825 35; CO + TIDAL] * * * … Universalium