- coterminous
- [kəʋʹtɜ:mınəs] a
1) имеющий общую границу; пограничный2) смежный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Coterminous — Co*ter mi*nous (k? t?r m? n?s), a. [Cf. {Conterminous}.] Bordering; conterminous; followed by with. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coterminous — 1630s, malformed in English from CO (Cf. co ) + terminous (see TERMINAL (Cf. terminal)). Latin purists prefer CONTERMINOUS (Cf. conterminous) … Etymology dictionary
coterminous — [kō tʉr′mə nəs] adj. CONTERMINOUS: also coterminal coterminously adv … English World dictionary
coterminous — adjective Etymology: alteration of conterminous Date: 1799 1. having the same or coincident boundaries < a voting district coterminous with the city > 2. coextensive in scope or duration < an experience of life cot … New Collegiate Dictionary
coterminous — adjective a) Linked or related and expiring together. New York Citys borough of Brooklyn and New York States Kings County are coterminous. b) Having matching boundaries; or, adjoining and sharing a boundary. To get a building warrant he had to… … Wiktionary
Coterminous — A suppplemental loan with a maturity that is the same as the senior, or original, loan. Coterminous is most often used to describe mortgage loans, such as those for residential and commercial borrowers. While a supplemental loan can have a… … Investment dictionary
coterminous — co|ter|mi|nous [kəuˈtə:mınəs US kouˈtə:r ] adj technical 1.) formal having the same pattern or features 2.) coterminous countries share the same border … Dictionary of contemporary English
coterminous — adjective formal coterminous countries share the same border … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
coterminous — UK [kəʊˈtɜː(r)mɪnəs] / US [koʊˈtɜrmɪnəs] adjective formal 1) coterminous areas share a border 2) exactly the same as something else … English dictionary
coterminous — see conterminous … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
coterminous — coterminously, adv. /koh terr meuh neuhs/, adj. 1. having the same border or covering the same area. 2. being the same in extent; coextensive in range or scope. Also, coterminal /koh terr meuh nl/. [1790 1800; re formation of CONTERMINUS; see CO… … Universalium