- corybant
- [ʹkɒrıbænt] n (pl тж. corybantes [͵kɒrıʹbænti:z])
1) миф. корибант, спутник богини Кибелы2) ист. корибант, фригийский жрец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Corybant — Cor y*bant (k?r ? b?nt), n.; pl. E. {Corybants} ( b?nts), oftener L. {Corybantes} ( b?n t?z). [L. Corybas, Gr. Kory bas.] One of the priests of Cybele in Phrygia. The rites of the Corybants were accompanied by wild music, dancing, etc. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Corybant — [kôr′ə bant΄] n. pl. Corybants or Corybantes [kôr′əban′tēz΄] 1. a) any of the attendants who follow the Phrygian goddess Cybele with dancing and frenzied orgies b) a priest in the worship of Cybele 2. [c ] a reveler Corybantic [kôr′əban′tik] ad … English World dictionary
Corybant — /kawr euh bant , kor /, n., pl. Corybantes /kawr euh ban teez, kor /, Corybants. 1. Class. Myth. any of the spirits or secondary divinities attending Cybele with wild music and dancing. 2. an ancient Phrygian priest of Cybele. [1350 1400; ME < L… … Universalium
Corybant — Cor•y•bant [[t]ˈkɔr əˌbænt, ˈkɒr [/t]] n. pl. Cor•y•ban•tes [[t]ˌkɔr əˈbæn tiz, ˌkɒr [/t]] Cor•y•bants anq a priest or votary of Cybele • Etymology: 1350–1400; ME < L Corybant , s. of Corybās < Gk Korýbās cor y•ban′tic, adj … From formal English to slang
Corybant — noun (plural Corybants or Corybantes) Etymology: Middle French Corybante, from Latin Corybas, from Greek Korybas Date: 14th century one of the attendants or priests of Cybele noted for wildly emotional processions and rites … New Collegiate Dictionary
Corybant — n. priest that served the Phrygian goddess Cybele wild dancing and music (Ancient Mythology) … English contemporary dictionary
corybant — cor·y·bant … English syllables
Corybant — /ˈkɒribænt/ (say koreebant) noun (plural Corybants or Corybantes /kɒriˈbæntiz/ (say koree banteez)) 1. one of the spirits or secondary divinities fabled to form the train of the ancient goddess Cybele, following her over the mountains by… …
corybant — n. priest, votary or attendant of Cybele, ancient goddess of nature. ♦ corybantic, a. pertaining to wild and noisy rites performed by these; n. wild, frenzied dance … Dictionary of difficult words
corybant — … Useful english dictionary
Corybantes — Corybant Cor y*bant (k?r ? b?nt), n.; pl. E. {Corybants} ( b?nts), oftener L. {Corybantes} ( b?n t?z). [L. Corybas, Gr. Kory bas.] One of the priests of Cybele in Phrygia. The rites of the Corybants were accompanied by wild music, dancing, etc.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English