
[kɔ:ʹpʌskjʋlə] a физ.

corpuscular theory of light - корпускулярная теория света

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "corpuscular" в других словарях:

  • corpuscular — CORPUSCULÁR, Ă, corpusculari, e, adj. Care ţine de corpusculi, privitor la corpusculi. – Din fr. corpusculaire. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  corpusculár adj. m., pl. corpusculári; f. sg. corpusculáră …   Dicționar Român

  • Corpuscular — Cor*pus cu*lar (k?r p?s k? l?r), a. [Cf. F. corpusculaire.] Pertaining to, or composed of, corpuscles, or small particles. [1913 Webster] {Corpuscular philosophy}, that which attempts to account for the phenomena of nature, by the motion, figure …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • corpuscular — adj. 2 g. 1. Relativo a corpúsculos, a átomos. 2. filosofia corpuscular: sistema no qual eram explicados os fenômenos pelo movimento, repouso, arranjo, etc., dos corpúsculos …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • corpuscular — 1. adj. Que tiene corpúsculos. 2. Dicho de un sistema filosófico: Que admite por materia elemental los corpúsculos …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • corpuscular — ► adjetivo 1 Que tiene relación con los corpúsculos o los átomos. 2 FILOSOFÍA Se refiere al sistema filosófico que admite los corpúsculos como materia elemental. * * * corpuscular adj. De [o del] corpúsculo. V. «teoría corpuscular». * * *… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • corpuscular — {{#}}{{LM C10570}}{{〓}} {{[}}corpuscular{{]}} ‹cor·pus·cu·lar› {{《}}▍ adj.inv.{{》}} De los corpúsculos, con corpúsculos o relacionado con ellos: • Según el análisis de sangre tengo una alteración del volumen corpuscular medio.{{○}} …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • corpuscular — corpuscle ► NOUN ▪ a minute body or cell in an organism, especially a red or white blood cell. DERIVATIVES corpuscular adjective. ORIGIN Latin corpusculum small body …   English terms dictionary

  • Corpuscular philosophy — Corpuscular Cor*pus cu*lar (k?r p?s k? l?r), a. [Cf. F. corpusculaire.] Pertaining to, or composed of, corpuscles, or small particles. [1913 Webster] {Corpuscular philosophy}, that which attempts to account for the phenomena of nature, by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Corpuscular theory — Corpuscular Cor*pus cu*lar (k?r p?s k? l?r), a. [Cf. F. corpusculaire.] Pertaining to, or composed of, corpuscles, or small particles. [1913 Webster] {Corpuscular philosophy}, that which attempts to account for the phenomena of nature, by the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Corpuscular theory of light — In optics, corpuscular theory of light, set forward by Sir Isaac Newton, states that light is made up of small discrete particles called corpuscles (little particles) which travel in a straight line with a finite velocity and possess kinetic… …   Wikipedia

  • corpuscular theory — noun (physics) the theory that light is transmitted as a stream of particles • Syn: ↑corpuscular theory of light • Ant: ↑wave theory of light (for: ↑corpuscular theory of light), ↑wave theory …   Useful english dictionary

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