- coronoid
- [ʹkɒrənɔıd] a анат.
coronoid fossa - венечная ямка (на плечевой кости)
coronoid process - венечный отросток (большой кости предплечья)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
coronoid fossa - венечная ямка (на плечевой кости)
coronoid process - венечный отросток (большой кости предплечья)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Coronoid — Cor o*noid (k[o^]r [ o]*noid), a. [Gr. korw nh crow + oid: cf. F. corono[ i]de.] (Anat.) Resembling the beak of a crow; as, the coronoid process of the jaw, or of the ulna. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coronoid — coronoíd adj. m., pl. coronoízi; f. sg. coronoídă, pl. coronoíde Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic CORONOÍD, Ă adj. (despre unele apofize) de forma unui cioc de cioară. (< fr … Dicționar Român
coronoid — ˈkȯrəˌnȯid adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary coron (from Greek korōnē coronoid process, anything curved) + oid : of, relating to, or indicating the coronoid process or coronoid fossa coronoid teeth … Useful english dictionary
coronoid — Shaped like a crow s beak; denoting certain processes and other parts of bones. [G. korone, a crow, + eidos, resembling] * * * cor·o·noid kȯr ə .nȯid adj of, relating to, or indicating the coronoid process or coronoid fossa <coronoid… … Medical dictionary
coronoid fossa — n a depression of the humerus into which the coronoid process fits when the arm is flexed compare OLECRANON FOSSA … Medical dictionary
coronoid process — n 1) the anterior process of the superior border of the ramus of the mandible 2) a flared process of the lower anterior part of the upper articular surface of the ulna fitting into the coronoid fossa when the arm is flexed * * * 1. a process on… … Medical dictionary
Coronoid process of the ulna — Bone: Coronoid process of the ulna Upper extremity of left ulna. Lateral aspect. Latin processus coronoideus ulnae The coronoid process is a triangular eminence projecting forward from the upper and front pa … Wikipedia
Coronoid fossa of the humerus — Bone: Coronoid fossa of the humerus Left humerus. Anterior view. (Coronoid fossa visible at bottom center, on left side.) Latin fossa coronoidea humeri Gray s … Wikipedia
Coronoid process of the mandible — Bone: Coronoid process of the mandible Mandible. Outer surface. Side view. (Coronoid process labeled at top center.) Latin processus coronoideus mand … Wikipedia
Coronoid process — The Coronoid process (from Greek korone, like a crown ) can refer to: The coronoid process of the mandible, part of the ramus mandibulae of the mandible The coronoid process of the ulna, a triangular eminence projecting forward from the upper and … Wikipedia
coronoid process of the mandible — noun the coronoid process that provides an attachment for the temporal muscle • Hypernyms: ↑coronoid process, ↑processus coronoideus • Part Holonyms: ↑lower jaw, ↑mandible, ↑mandibula, ↑mandibular bone, ↑ … Useful english dictionary