- cornuted
1> рогатый
2> рогообразный
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cornuted — [kôr nyo͞ot′id, kôrno͞ot′id] adj. [< L cornutus, horned < cornu,HORN] 1. having horns 2. horn shaped 3. Archaic cuckolded … English World dictionary
Cornuted — Cornute Cor nute (k?r n?t or k?r n?t ), Cornuted Cor*nut ed (k?r n? t?d), a. [L. cornutus horned, from cornu horn.] 1. Bearing horns; horned; horn shaped. [1913 Webster] 2. Cuckolded. [R.] My being cornuted. LEstrange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cornuted — /kawr nooh tid, nyooh /, adj. 1. having horns. 2. shaped like a horn. 3. Archaic. cuckolded. Also, cornute. [1605 15; CORNUTE + ED2] * * * … Universalium
cornuted — cor·nut·ed … English syllables
cornuted — üdə̇d adjective Etymology: from past participle of cornute : bearing or having horns or shaped like a horn … Useful english dictionary
Cornute — Cor nute (k?r n?t or k?r n?t ), Cornuted Cor*nut ed (k?r n? t?d), a. [L. cornutus horned, from cornu horn.] 1. Bearing horns; horned; horn shaped. [1913 Webster] 2. Cuckolded. [R.] My being cornuted. LEstrange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
cornute — /kawr nooht , nyooht /, v., cornuted, cornuting, adj. v.t. 1. Archaic. to cuckold. adj. 2. cornuted. [1590 1600; < L cornutus horned, equiv. to cornu HORN + tus adj. suffix] * * * … Universalium
Cuckold — is a historic derogatory term for a man who has an unfaithful wife. The word, which has been in recorded use since the 13th century, derives from the cuckoo which gives up nurturing its own by laying eggs in other birds nests. [1] In modern terms … Wikipedia
acute — Synonyms and related words: Machiavellian, Machiavellic, absorbing, acanthoid, acanthous, accurate, acicular, acrid, active, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, afflictive, aggravated, aggressive, agonizing, alert, animated, apperceptive,… … Moby Thesaurus
barbed — Synonyms and related words: acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, cornuted, cusped, cuspidate, hispid, horned, horny, mucronate, needle pointed, needle sharp, pointed, pronged, sharp pointed, spiculate,… … Moby Thesaurus
horned — Synonyms and related words: Cynthian, S shaped, acanthoid, acanthous, acicular, acuate, aculeate, aculeiform, acuminate, acute, barbed, bicorn, corniform, cornuted, crescent, crescent shaped, crescentic, crescentiform, crescentlike, cusped,… … Moby Thesaurus