- cornhusking
- [ʹkɔ:n͵hʌskıŋ] n амер.
1. лущение кукурузы2. праздник лущения (с музыкой и танцами)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
cornhusking — ☆ cornhusking [kôrn′hus΄kiŋ ] n. 1. the husking of corn 2. a gathering of friends and neighbors for husking corn; husking bee: it is generally a festive event, followed by dancing, etc … English World dictionary
cornhusking — noun Date: 1692 a social gathering especially of farm families to husk corn … New Collegiate Dictionary
cornhusking — /kawrn hus king/, n. 1. the removing of the husks from corn. 2. See husking bee. [1780 90, Amer.; CORN1 + HUSK + ING1] * * * … Universalium
cornhusking — corn•husk•ing [[t]ˈkɔrnˌhʌs kɪŋ[/t]] n. 1) the removing of the husks from corn 2) husking bee • Etymology: 1780–90, amer. corn′husk er, n … From formal English to slang
cornhusking — noun 1. a social gathering for the purpose of husking corn • Syn: ↑husking bee • Hypernyms: ↑bee 2. the act of removing the husks from ears of corn • Hypernyms: ↑denudation, ↑stripping, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
husking — noun Date: 1692 cornhusking called also husking bee … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bee (gathering) — A bee, as used in quilting bee or spelling bee , is an old word to describe a gathering of friends and neighbors to accomplish a task or to hold a competition. The tasks were often major jobs, such as clearing a field of timber or raising a barn … Wikipedia
huskingbee — husk·ing bee (hŭsʹkĭng) n. See cornhusking. * * * … Universalium
husking (bee) — ☆ husking (bee) or husking [hus′kiŋ ] n. CORNHUSKING (sense 2) * * * … Universalium
bee — Synonyms and related words: boutade, bumblebee, conceit, cornhusking, crotchet, drone, fancy, freak, honeybee, hornet, humor, husking, idea, impulse, megrim, queen, queen bee, quilting bee, raising bee, vagary, wasp, whim, worker, yellow jacket … Moby Thesaurus
husking (bee) — ☆ husking (bee) or husking [hus′kiŋ ] n. CORNHUSKING (sense 2) … English World dictionary