- cornerback
- [ʹkɔ:nəbæk] n
левый или крайний правый защитник (футбол)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cornerback — bezeichnet eine Verteidigungsposition im American Football. Typische Aufstellung mit rot markierten Cornerbacks. Cornerbacks besetzen die Außenseiten und verteidigen gegen die gegnerischen Wide Receiver und andere möglichen Passempfänger entweder … Deutsch Wikipedia
Cornerback — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cornerback (CB) es una posición defensiva del fútbol americano en la que un jugador se coloca en la línea de scrimmage en posición contraria al wide receiver. Los cornerbacks buscan interrumpir las rutas de los… … Wikipedia Español
cornerback — ☆ cornerback [kôr′nərbak΄] n. Football either of two defensive backs who are positioned outside of the linebackers and are primarily responsible for covering pass receivers … English World dictionary
Cornerback — Cornerbacks across from their assigned receivers in a base 3 4 defense … Wikipedia
Cornerback — Un cornerback (appelé demi de coin au Canada) est un joueur de football américain évoluant au sein de la formation défensive de l équipe. Ce type de joueur est le plus rapide au sein d une équipe, partageant parfois cet attribut avec leurs… … Wikipédia en Français
cornerback — noun The defensive players who are in position on each side farthest laterally from the ball and whose principal responsibility is to defend against passes The cornerback tipped the ball away from the receiver … Wiktionary
cornerback — noun Date: 1955 a defensive halfback in football who defends the flank … New Collegiate Dictionary
cornerback — /kawr neuhr bak /, n. Football. one of two defensive backs positioned in the secondary between the linebackers and safeties, responsible for covering the outside areas near the sidelines against end runs and pass plays. [1965 70; CORNER + BACK1]… … Universalium
cornerback — noun American Football a defensive back positioned to the outside of the linebackers … English new terms dictionary
cornerback — cor•ner•back [[t]ˈkɔr nərˌbæk[/t]] n. fbb spo a defensive back in football who covers the area behind the line of scrimmage near the sideline • Etymology: 1965–70 … From formal English to slang
cornerback — noun a defensive football player stationed outside the linebackers • Hypernyms: ↑football player, ↑footballer … Useful english dictionary