corn law

corn law
закон о торговле зерном, о его ввозе и вывозе

Corn Laws - ист. хлебные законы

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Смотреть что такое "corn law" в других словарях:

  • Corn Law — Corn′ Law n. why any of the British laws regulating domestic and foreign trade in grain, the last of which was repealed in 1846 …   From formal English to slang

  • Corn Law — Eng. Hist. any of the laws regulating domestic and foreign trading of grain, the last of which was repealed in 1846. * * * ▪ British history       in English history, any of the regulations governing the import and export of grain. Records… …   Universalium

  • Corn Law — /ˈkɔn lɔ/ (say kawn law) noun English History any one of a series of laws regulating the home and foreign grain trade, the last of which was repealed in 1846 …  

  • corn law — noun : a law regulating trade in grain; specifically usually capitalized C&L : one of a series of laws in force in Great Britain before 1846 that prohibited or laid heavy duties upon the importation of foreign grain for home consumption except… …   Useful english dictionary

  • CORN-LAW RHYMER, THE —    , EBENEZER ELLIOTT (q.v. ELLIOTT, EBENEZER) who, in a volume of poems, denounced the corn laws and contributed to their abolition …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Corn Law — noun Date: 1766 one of a series of laws in force in Great Britain before 1846 prohibiting or discouraging the importation of grain …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • corn-law — …   Useful english dictionary

  • Anti-Corn Law League — The Anti Corn Law League was in effect the resumption of the Anti Corn Law Association, which had been created in London in 1836 but did not obtain widespread popularity. The Anti Corn Law League was founded in Manchester in 1838. Richard Cobden… …   Wikipedia

  • Anti-Corn Law League — Versammlung der Anti Corn Law League 1846 in Exeter Hall Die Anti Corn Law League (dt. Antigetreidezollliga), war eine Vereinigung in England, welche die Abschaffung der Getreidezölle erstrebte und auch herbeigeführt hat. Diese bereits im 17.… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Anti-Corn Law League — L Anti Corn Law League est une ligue contre les Corn Laws (lois sur les grains) fondée en 1839 par des économistes, des industriels, des commerçants et des banquiers de Manchester. Sommaire 1 Histoire 2 Objectifs 3 Actions …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Anti-Corn Law League —    A pressure group that agitated for the repeal of the tariffs protecting expensive British grown grain from foreign competition. The growing popularity of laissezfaire economic principles opposed to government intervention in the marketplace,… …   Encyclopedia of the Age of Imperialism, 1800–1914

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