
1. [ʹkɔ:dəv(ə)n] n
1. (Cordovan) житель г. Кордовы
2. = cordwain
2. [ʹkɔ:dəv(ə)n] a
1. (Cordovan) относящийся к Кордове
2. арх. (из) кордовской цветной кожи

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Смотреть что такое "cordovan" в других словарях:

  • cordovan — CORDOVÁN, cordovane, s.n. (Inv.) Piele fină de capră sau de oaie, folosită pentru încălţăminte de lux şi marochinărie; marochin. – Din it. cordovano. Trimis de IoanSoleriu, 17.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98  CORDOVÁN s. v. marochin, saftian. Trimis de… …   Dicționar Român

  • Cordovan — may refer to: Shell cordovan, an equine leather Cordovan (color), a shade of brown A recessive genetic mutation in honey bees, which changes black body pigment to various shades of brown, the color cordovan appearing in the thorax.[1] ^ Mackensen …   Wikipedia

  • cordovan — 1590s, fine Spanish leather, from adj. Cordovan, from Sp. cordovan (modern cordoban), from cordovano (adj.) of Cordova, the Spanish city, former capital of Moorish Spain; a later adoption of the same word that became cordwain (see CORDWAINER (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • Cordovan — [kôr′də vən] adj. [< Sp cordobán, after CÓRDOBA] 1. of Córdoba 2. [c ] made of cordovan n. 1. a person born or living in Córdoba 2. [c ] a fine grained, colored leather, usually of split horsehide, but orig. made of goatskin at Córdoba, Spain …   English World dictionary

  • Cordovan — Cor do*van (k[^o]r d[ o]*v[a^]n), n. [Sp. cordoban, fr. Cordova, or Cordoba, in Spain. Cf. {Cordwain}.] Same as {Cordwain}. In England the name is applied to leather made from horsehide. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Cordovan — Schuh aus Cordovan Leder Pferdeleder, welches zur Schuhherstellung dient, ist unter anderem auch unter dem Namen Cordovan Leder oder auch gelegentlich unter der Bezeichnung Korduan bekannt. Dieser Name leitet sich von der spanischen Stadt Cordóba …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • cordovan — I. adjective Etymology: Old Spanish cordovano, from Córdova (now Córdoba), Spain Date: 1591 1. capitalized of or relating to Córdoba and especially Córdoba, Spain 2. made of cordovan leather II. noun Date: circa 1625 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Cordovan — /kawr deuh veuhn/ n. 1. a native or inhabitant of Córdoba, Spain. 2. (l.c.) a soft, smooth leather originally made at Córdoba of goatskin but later made also of split horsehide, pigskin, etc. adj. 3. of Córdoba, Spain. 4. (l.c.) designating or… …   Universalium

  • cordovan — [ kɔ:dəv(ə)n] noun a kind of soft leather made originally from goatskin and now from horse hide. Origin C16: from Sp. cordován, former spelling of cordobán of Cordoba (a city in southern Spain) …   English new terms dictionary

  • Cordovan — Cor•do•van [[t]ˈkɔr də vən[/t]] n. 1) peo a native or resident of Córdoba, Spain 2) clo (l.c.) a soft, smooth, nonporous leather orig. made at Córdoba of goatskin, now often made of split horsehide 3) geg peo of or pertaining to Córdoba, Spain 4) …   From formal English to slang

  • cordovan — /ˈkɔdəvən/ (say kawduhvuhn) adjective 1. designating or made of a leather made originally at Cordoba, Spain, first of goatskin tanned and dressed, but later also of split horsehide, etc. –noun 2. cordovan leather …  

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