- cord off
- [ʹkɔ:dʹɒf] phr v
отгораживать канатом
the crowds were corded off by the police - полицейские натянули канаты, чтобы остановить толпу /преградить путь толпе/
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
the crowds were corded off by the police - полицейские натянули канаты, чтобы остановить толпу /преградить путь толпе/
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Cord Roberts — John Loprieno as Cord Roberts One Life to Live Portrayed by John Loprieno Duration … Wikipedia
Cord Widderich — Cord Widderich, ca. 1410 Cord Widderich (alternative spelling: Kort Wiederich) (died 1447) was a pirate active during political conflicts between Dithmarschen and North Frisia in the early fifteenth century. He lived during the times of Klaus… … Wikipedia
Cord (band) — Cord Origin Norfolk, UK Genres Alternative Rock Indie Rock Members James Leeds Vocals, Guitar, Keyboard Phil Davison Drums Mike Jackson Guitar, Keyboard … Wikipedia
Cord of 3 — is an American Christian rock band, originally formed in Bowling Green, KY. The band consists of Randall Erskine (lead vocalist, rhythm guitar), Robbie Bennett (lead guitar), Evan Butler(bass guitar), and Tim Miller (drummer). Cord of 3 released… … Wikipedia
Cord Phelps — Cleveland Indians No. 35 Second baseman Born: January 23, 1987 (1987 01 23) (age 24) Stanford, California … Wikipedia
cord|less — «KRD lihs», adjective. without a cord, especially without an electric cable: »A cordless electric clock that works off a battery (Science News Letter) … Useful english dictionary
off\ and\ on — • off and on • on and off adv Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years. It rained off and on all day. Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. A worn out cord may make a hearing … Словарь американских идиом
Cord — Short and informal reference to the spinal cord, the major column of nerve tissue that is connected to the brain, lies within the vertebral canal, and from which the spinal nerves emerge. The spinal cord and the brain constitute the central… … Medical dictionary
off and on — also[on and off] {adv.} Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. * /Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years./ * /It rained off and on all day./ Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. * /A worn out cord may make a… … Dictionary of American idioms
off and on — also[on and off] {adv.} Not regularly; occasionally; sometimes. * /Joan wrote to a pen pal in England off and on for several years./ * /It rained off and on all day./ Sometimes used with hyphens like an adjective. * /A worn out cord may make a… … Dictionary of American idioms
Off one's guard — Guard Guard, n. [OF. guarde, F. garde; of German origin; cf. OHG. wart, warto, one who watches, warta a watching, Goth. wardja watchman. See {Guard}, v. t.] [1913 Webster] 1. One who, or that which, guards from injury, danger, exposure, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English