- corbel
- 1. [ʹkɔ:b(ə)l] n
1) тех. кронштейн2) архит. поясок; консоль; выступ2. [ʹkɔ:b(ə)l] v тех.
corbel steps - ступенчатый щипец
1) расположить на кронштейне2) поддерживать кронштейном
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
corbel steps - ступенчатый щипец
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Corbel — Cor bel, v. t. To furnish with a corbel or corbels; to support by a corbel; to make in the form of a corbel. [1913 Webster] {To corbel out}, to furnish with a corbel of courses, each projecting beyond the one next below it. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Corbel — bezeichnet eine Gemeinde in der französischen Region Rhône Alpes, siehe: Corbel (Savoie) eine serifenlose Microsoft Schrift, siehe; Corbel (Schriftart) Corbel ist außerdem der Familienname folgender Personen: Cécile Corbel (* 1980), französische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Corbel — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Corbel puede referirse a: Corbel (Saboya), Rhône Alpes, Francia Corbel (fuente tipográfica), una fuente tipográfica. Obtenido de Corbel Categoría: Wikipedia:Desambiguación … Wikipedia Español
Corbel — Cor bel (k[^o]r b[e^]l), n. [F. corbeau, for older corbel, dim. of L. corbis basket. (Corbels were often in the form of a basket.) See {Corbeil}.] (Arch.) A bracket supporting a superincumbent object, or receiving the spring of an arch. Corbels… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
corbel — mid 14c., from O.Fr. corbel, dim. of corb raven, from L. corvus (see RAVEN (Cf. raven)); so called from its beaked shape … Etymology dictionary
corbel — ► NOUN ▪ a projection jutting out from a wall to support a structure above it. DERIVATIVES corbelled (US corbeled) adjective corbelling (US corbeling) noun. ORIGIN Old French, little crow , from Latin corvus raven (perhaps because the shape of a… … English terms dictionary
corbel — [kôr′bəl, kôr′bel΄] n. [OFr, dim. of corb < L corvus, RAVEN1: so called from its beaked shape] 1. a piece of stone, wood, or metal, often in the form of a bracket, projecting from the side of a wall and serving to support a cornice, the spring … English World dictionary
Corbel — Corbel, Muschel, so v. w. Corbule … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Corbel — For other uses, see Corbel (disambiguation). Elaborately decorated classical style stone corbels support balconies on a building in Indianapolis … Wikipedia
corbel — /kawr beuhl/, n., v., corbeled, corbeling or (esp. Brit.) corbelled, corbelling. Archit. n. 1. any bracket, esp. one of brick or stone, usually of slight extent. 2. a short horizontal timber supporting a girder. v.t. 3. to set (bricks, stones,… … Universalium
Corbel — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Corbel peut désigner : Corbel, commune française de la Savoie, limitrophe de l’Isère. Cécile Corbel (1980) harpiste et chanteuse française, Claude… … Wikipédia en Français