- copulae
- [ʹkɒpjʋli:] редк. pl от copula
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
copulae — cop·u·la || kÉ’pjÊŠlÉ™ n. word that links a subject with its predicate (Grammar); connecting part (bone, ligament) … English contemporary dictionary
List of English copulae — This is a list of English copulae. Because many of these copulative verbs may be used non copulatively, examples are provided. * Tom acted suspicious. * Bill appears satisfied, but really is not. * Tom is a coward. * (inchoative) Tom became… … Wikipedia
Связки (хрящи) — (copulae) непарные хрящи или косточки, соединяющие жаберные дужки правой и левой стороны на брюшной стороне животного (см. Позвоночные и Рыбы) … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Связки (хрящи) — (copulae) непарные хрящи или косточки, соединяющие жаберные дужки правой и левой стороны на брюшной стороне животного (см. Позвоночные и Рыбы) … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Copula (linguistics) — To be redirects here. For the song, see To Be. For to be, or not to be , see To be, or not to be. In linguistics, a copula (plural: copulae or copulas) is a word used to link the subject of a sentence with a predicate (a subject complement). The… … Wikipedia
Romance copula — The copula or copulae (the verb or verbs meaning to be ) in all Romance languages largely derive from the Latin verbs esse to be (ultimately from Proto Indo European *h1es , as in English is); stāre to stand (ultimately from Proto Indo European… … Wikipedia
Copula (Mathematik) — Eine Copula (Pl. Copulas oder Copulae) ist eine Funktion, die einen funktionalen Zusammenhang zwischen den Randverteilungsfunktionen verschiedener Zufallsvariablen und ihrer gemeinsamen Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilung angeben kann. Mit ihrer Hilfe… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kansai dialect — A label in Kansai ben. The advertisement, Iwashi o tabena akan!, translates as You must eat sardines! … Wikipedia
Organum — This article is about a style of music. For the musical instrument, see organum (musical instrument). For the experimental music group, see David Jackman. Organum ( /ˈɔr … Wikipedia
Zero copula — is a linguistic phenomenon whereby the subject is joined to the predicate without overt marking of this relationship (like the copula to be in English). One can distinguish languages that simply do not have a copula and languages that have a… … Wikipedia
Double copula — The double copula, also known as the double is and reduplicative copula, is the nonstandard usage of two successive copulae in the English language when only one is necessary. For example: My point is, is that... This should not be confused with… … Wikipedia