- copper sulphate
- [͵kɒpəʹsʌlfeıt] мин.
хальканит, сернокислая медь
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
copper sulphate — noun a copper salt made by the action of sulfuric acid on copper oxide • Syn: ↑copper sulfate, ↑cupric sulfate, ↑cupric sulphate • Hypernyms: ↑sulfate, ↑sulphate • Hyponyms: ↑blue … Useful english dictionary
copper sulphate — noun the common name for cupric sulphate, CuSO, which forms blue crystals and is used in agriculture, dyeing, electroplating and many other applications; reducing agents reduce it to the red cuprous sulphate Syn: blue vitriol, E519, preservative … Wiktionary
copper sulphate — /kɒpə ˈsʌlʃeɪt/ (say kopuh sulshayt) noun → blue vitriol. Also, copper sulfate …
copper sulphate — noun a blue crystalline solid used in electroplating and as a fungicide … English new terms dictionary
Copper(I) cyanide — IUPAC name Copper(I) cyanide … Wikipedia
Copper plating — on aluminium Copper plating is the process in which a layer of copper is deposited on the item to be plated by using an electric current. Three basic types of processes are commercially available based upon the complexing system utilized:… … Wikipedia
copper sulfate — noun a copper salt made by the action of sulfuric acid on copper oxide • Syn: ↑copper sulphate, ↑cupric sulfate, ↑cupric sulphate • Hypernyms: ↑sulfate, ↑sulphate • Hyponyms: ↑blu … Useful english dictionary
copper — 1. n., adj., & v. n. 1 Chem. a malleable red brown metallic element of the transition series occurring naturally esp. in cuprite and malachite, and used esp. for electrical cables and apparatus. Usage: Symb.: Cu. 2 a bronze coin. 3 a large metal… … Useful english dictionary
sulphate — [[t]sʌ̱lfeɪt[/t]] sulphates N MASS: oft n N, N of n A sulphate is a salt of sulphuric acid. ...copper sulphate. ...sulphate of potash. (in AM, use sulfate) … English dictionary
sulphate — sul|phate BrE sulfate AmE [ˈsʌlfeıt] n [U and C] a ↑salt formed from ↑sulphuric acid ▪ copper sulphate … Dictionary of contemporary English
sulphate — BrE, sulfate AmE noun (C, U) a salt 1 (4) formed from sulphuric acid: copper sulphate … Longman dictionary of contemporary English