- convivial
- [kənʹvıvıəl] a
1) праздничный; пиршественный2) компанейский, любящий выпить и закусить с друзьями
a very convivial party - попойка
convivial companions - собутыльники
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
a very convivial party - попойка
convivial companions - собутыльники
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
convivial — convivial, iale, iaux [ kɔ̃vivjal, jo ] adj. • 1612; lat. convivialis; repris à l angl. 1 ♦ Qui concerne ou exprime la convivialité. Repas conviviaux. 2 ♦ Inform. Se dit d un système informatique dont l utilisation est aisée pour un non… … Encyclopédie Universelle
convivial — CONVIVIÁL, Ă adj. De conviv. [pron. vi al. / cf. engl. convivial]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 18.01.2005. Sursa: DN CONVIVIÁL, Ă adj. de conviv. (<engl. convivial) Trimis de raduborza, 09.03.2006. Sursa: MDN … Dicționar Român
Convivial — Con*viv i*al (?; 277), a. [From L. convivium a feast; con + vivere to live. See {Victuals}, and cf. {Convive}.] Of or relating to a feast or entertainment, or to eating and drinking, with accompanying festivity; festive; social; gay; jovial.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
convivial — convivial, ale (kon vi vi al, a l ) adj. Mot de Brillat Savarin. Qui a rapport aux festins. • Des esclaves étaient spécialement attachés à chaque fonction conviviale, et ces fonctions étaient minutieusement distinguées, BRILLAT SAVARIN dans… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
convivial — (adj.) 1660s, pertaining to a feast, from L.L. convivialis, from L. convivium a feast, from convivere to carouse together, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + vivere to live (see VITAL (Cf. vital)). Meaning … Etymology dictionary
convivial — adj. 2 g. O mesmo que convival … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
convivial — companionable, *social, gregarious, hospitable, cooperative Analogous words: sociable, genial, cordial, affable, *gracious: gay, *lively, vivacious: *merry, jocund, jolly, jovial: hilarious, mirthful (see corresponding nouns at MIRTH) Antonyms:… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
convivial — [adj] fun loving back slapping*, cheerful, clubby*, companionable, conversible, entertaining, festal, festive, friendly, gay, genial, glad handering*, happy, hearty, hilarious, holiday, jocund, jolly, jovial, lively, merry, mirthful, pleasant,… … New thesaurus
convivial — ► ADJECTIVE 1) (of an atmosphere or event) friendly and lively. 2) (of a person) cheerfully sociable. DERIVATIVES conviviality noun convivially adverb. ORIGIN originally in the sense «fit for a feast»: from Latin convivium a feast … English terms dictionary
convivial — [kən viv′ē əl] adj. [L convivialis < convivium, a feast < convivere, to carouse together < com , together + vivere, to live: see QUICK] 1. having to do with a feast or festive activity 2. fond of eating, drinking, and good company;… … English World dictionary
convivial — [[t]kənvɪ̱viəl[/t]] ADJ GRADED (approval) Convivial people or occasions are pleasant, friendly, and relaxed. [FORMAL] ...looking forward to a convivial evening... The atmosphere was quite convivial. Derived words: conviviality… … English dictionary