- convertiplane
- [kənʹvɜ:təpleın] n
конвертоплан, самолёт-вертолёт
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Convertiplane — [kən vəːtɪpleɪn, englisch] das, s/ s, Wandelflugzeug, Flugzeug, bei dem zur Erzielung von Senkrechtstarteigenschaften die Stellung des Tragflügels (Kippflügelflugzeug), der Triebwerke (Kipptriebwerksflugzeug) oder der Luftschrauben… … Universal-Lexikon
convertiplane — ☆ convertiplane [kən vʉrt′ə plān΄ ] n. [ CONVERTI(BLE) + (AIR)PLANE] an aircraft designed to take off and land vertically like a helicopter but to fly forward in level flight like a conventional airplane … English World dictionary
Convertiplane — A convertiplane is an aircraft that converts in flight to change the method to obtain lift,[1] and is capable of vertical take off and landing.[2] The most common example uses a standard wing in horizontal flight and proprotors for takeoff and… … Wikipedia
convertiplane — also convertaplane noun Date: 1949 an aircraft that takes off and lands like a helicopter and is convertible to a fixed wing configuration for forward flight … New Collegiate Dictionary
convertiplane — /keuhn verr teuh playn /, n. a plane capable of both vertical flight like a helicopter and fast, forward speed like a conventional airplane. Also, convertaplane, convertoplane. [1945 50; CONVERT + I + PLANE1] * * * … Universalium
convertiplane — noun Any of several forms of aircraft capable of both vertical takeoff and landing, and of normal forward flight; usually has variable geometry wings that can rotate … Wiktionary
Convertiplane — Con|ver|ti|plane [kən və:tiplein] das; s, s <engl. Kurzw. aus convertible »(um)wandelbar« u. plane »Flugzeug«> Wandelflugzeug, für den Senkrechtstart geeignetes Flugzeug, das die Stellung des Tragwerkes u. der Triebwerke so verändern kann,… … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
convertiplane — n. plane that is able to take off and land vertically like a helicopter … English contemporary dictionary
convertiplane — The same as convertible helicopter … Aviation dictionary
convertiplane — con·vert·i·plane … English syllables
convertiplane — con•vert•i•plane [[t]kənˈvɜr təˌpleɪn[/t]] n. aer. an aircraft capable of vertical flight like a helicopter and forward flight like a conventional airplane • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang