- aimless
- [ʹeımlıs] a
бесцельный, бессмысленный; нецелеустремлённый
aimless life - жизнь без цели
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
aimless life - жизнь без цели
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Aimless — Aim less, a. Without aim or purpose; as, an aimless life. {Aim less*ly}, adv. {Aim less*ness}, n. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
aimless — index casual, discursive (digressive), disjointed, random, unwitting Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
aimless — (adj.) 1620s, from AIM (Cf. aim) (n.) + LESS (Cf. less). Related: Aimlessly; aimlessness … Etymology dictionary
aimless — [adj] having no goal accidental, any which way*, bits and pieces*, blind, capricious, careless, casual, chance, desultory, directionless, drifting, erratic, fanciful, fickle, fits and starts*, flighty, fortuitous, frivolous, goalless, haphazard,… … New thesaurus
aimless — [ām′lis] adj. having no aim or purpose aimlessly adv. aimlessness n … English World dictionary
aimless — [[t]e͟ɪmləs[/t]] ADJ GRADED A person or activity that is aimless has no clear purpose or plan. Peters had been adrift and aimless... After several hours of aimless searching they were getting low on fuel. Ant: purposeful Derived words: aimlessly… … English dictionary
aimless — adjective 1) Flavia set out on an aimless walk Syn: purposeless, goalless, without purpose, haphazard, wandering, without goal, desultory Ant: purposeful 2) aimless men standing outside the bars Syn … Thesaurus of popular words
aimless — adjective /ˈeɪm.lɛs/ Without aim, purpose, or direction. an aimless life … Wiktionary
aimless — aim|less [ˈeımləs] adj not having a clear purpose or reason ▪ a young man drifting through life in an aimless way >aimlessly adv >aimlessness n [U] … Dictionary of contemporary English
aimless — adjective without a clear purpose or reason: drifing through life in a rather aimless fashion aimlessly adverb aimlessness noun (U) … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
aimless — aim ► VERB 1) point (a weapon or camera) at a target. 2) direct at someone or something. 3) try to achieve something. ► NOUN 1) a purpose or intention. 2) the aiming of a weapon or missile. ● … English terms dictionary