
1. [ʹkɒntrərı] n
1. (the contrary) нечто противоположное, обратное

on the contrary - наоборот

to the contrary - в обратном смысле, иначе

instructions to the contrary - противоположные инструкции

I will come tomorrow unless you write me to the contrary - я приеду завтра, если только вы не напишете, чтобы я не приезжал

just /quite/ the contrary - как раз наоборот

it is just the contrary of what you told me - это (как раз) полная противоположность тому, что вы мне сказали

I have nothing to say to the contrary - мне нечего возразить

2. часто pl противоположность

to interpret by contraries - толковать от противного

many things in our lives go by contraries - многое в нашей жизни получается не так, как мы хотели бы

dreams go by contraries - дурной сон может предвещать хорошее и наоборот

2. [ʹkɒntrərı] a
1. 1) противоположный; обратный

contrary news [directions, orders, measures] - противоположные сообщения [указания, приказания, мероприятия]

they hold contrary opinions - их мнения прямо противоположны

contrary motion - муз. противоположное голосоведение

2) противоположного направления

contrary wind - противный ветер

2. неблагоприятный (о погоде)
3. [kənʹtre(ə)rı]разг. упрямый, капризный, своевольный, своенравный

contrary child - своевольный /капризный/ ребёнок

contrary disposition - упрямый /сварливый/ нрав

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Смотреть что такое "contrary" в других словарях:

  • Contrary — Con tra*ry (? or ?; 48), a. [OE. contrarie, contraire, F. contraire, fr. L. contrarius, fr. contra. See {Contra }.] 1. Opposite; in an opposite direction; in opposition; adverse; as, contrary winds. [1913 Webster] And if ye walk contrary unto me …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • contrary — I adjective abnegative, adversative, adverse, adversus, answering, antagonistic to, antipathetic, antithetic, antithetical, at cross purposes, at issue, at variance, averse, captious, conflicting, confutative, confuting, contradicting,… …   Law dictionary

  • contrary — n antithesis, opposite, contradictory, antonym, antipode (see under OPPOSITE adj) Analogous words: *converse, reverse contrary adj 1 antithetical, *opposite, contradictory, antonymous, antipodal, antipodean Analogous words: divergent, disparate,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • contrary — [kän′trer΄ē; ] for adj.4, often [ kən trer′ē] adj. [ME contrarie < OFr contraire < L contrarius, opposite, opposed < contra, against] 1. opposed; in opposition [contrary to the rules] 2. opposite in nature, order, direction, etc.;… …   English World dictionary

  • Contrary — may refer to: Contrary motion, in music theory Contrary Magazine, a literary journal founded at the University of Chicago Contrary (social role), in certain Amerindian cultures Contrary (comics), a character from Malibu Comics Ultraverse Little… …   Wikipedia

  • contrary — 1. The position of the main stress has fluctuated over the centuries, and the OED notes that poets from Chaucer to Spenser and Shakespeare placed it on both the first and the second syllable according to need. In current English, the stress is… …   Modern English usage

  • Contrary — Con tra*ry, n.; pl. {Contraries}. 1. A thing that is of contrary or opposite qualities. [1913 Webster] No contraries hold more antipathy Than I and such a knave. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. An opponent; an enemy. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 3. the …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • contrary — mid 14c., from Anglo Fr. contrarie, from L. contrarius opposite, opposed, from contra against (see CONTRA (Cf. contra)). If we take the statement All men are mortal, its contrary is Not all men are mortal, its converse is All mortal beings are… …   Etymology dictionary

  • contrary — ► ADJECTIVE 1) opposite in nature, direction, or meaning. 2) (of two or more statements, beliefs, etc.) opposed to one another. 3) perversely inclined to do the opposite of what is expected or desired. ► NOUN (the contrary) ▪ the opposite. ● …   English terms dictionary

  • Contrary — Con tra*ry, v. t. [F. contrarier. See {Contrary}, a.] To contradict or oppose; to thwart. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] I was advised not to contrary the king. Bp. Latimer. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • contrary to — what we had predicted, the lemon potatoes were very popular Syn: in conflict with, against, at variance with, at odds with, in opposition to, counter to, incompatible with …   Thesaurus of popular words

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