- contender
- [kənʹtendə] n
соперник; претендент
contender to the title - спорт. претендент на звание чемпиона
leading contender in the electoral race - ведущий кандидат в предвыборной борьбе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
contender to the title - спорт. претендент на звание чемпиона
leading contender in the electoral race - ведущий кандидат в предвыборной борьбе
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Contender — can refer to: Contender (stock character), commonly used in books, TV shows, plays, and films The Contender (TV series), a boxing based reality television series or its spinoffs: The Contender 2 The Contender Challenge: UK vs. USA The Contender 3 … Wikipedia
Contender — Número de tripulantes 1 Eslora 487 cm Manga 150 cm Peso 83 Kg … Wikipedia Español
contender — verbo intransitivo 1. Luchar (varias personas) con las armas: Contendía con un peligroso enemigo. Los dos países contendían en una guerra despiadada. 2. Uso/registro … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
contender — [kən ten′dər] n. 1. one who contends 2. a person, team, etc. having or regarded as having a good chance to win a contest or competition [their team is just not a legitimate contender this year] * * * See contend. * * * … Universalium
contender — Se conjuga como: entender Infinitivo: Gerundio: Participio: contender contendiendo contendido Indicativo presente imperfecto pretérito futuro condicional yo tú él, ella, Ud. nosotros vosotros ellos, ellas, Uds. contiendo contiendes… … Wordreference Spanish Conjugations Dictionary
contender — com contender com os adversários; isto contende me com os nervos … Dicionario dos verbos portugueses
contender — [kən ten′dər] n. 1. one who contends 2. a person, team, etc. having or regarded as having a good chance to win a contest or competition [their team is just not a legitimate contender this year] … English World dictionary
Contender — Con*tend er, n. One who contends; a contestant. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contender — I noun adversary, adverse party, antagonist, appellant, applicant, arguer, aspirant, campaigner, candidate, challenger, charger, claimant, combatant, competitor, complainant, contestant, contester, controversialist, corrival, debater, denouncer,… … Law dictionary
contender — 1. ‘Luchar’. Verbo irregular: se conjuga como entender (→ apéndice 1, n.º 31). 2. Para referirse a la persona que participa en una contienda, se emplea en el español general actual la voz contendiente: «El saludo entre los dos contendientes fue… … Diccionario panhispánico de dudas
contender — 1540s, agent noun from CONTEND (Cf. contend) … Etymology dictionary