- construction paper
- [kənʹstrʌkʃ(ə)n͵peıpə]
плотная цветная бумага (для вырезания, коллажей и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Construction paper — (sugar paper) is a tough, coarse, colored paper. The texture is slightly rough, and the surface is unfinished. Due to the source material, small particles are visible on the paper’s surface. It is used for projects or crafts. Construction paper… … Wikipedia
construction paper — n. heavy, colored paper used, as by children in school, for crayon and ink drawings, watercolors, cutouts, etc … English World dictionary
construction paper — noun paper suitable for drawing and making cutouts • Hypernyms: ↑paper * * * noun : colored paper suitable for crayon or ink drawings and watercolors and for making cutouts compare art paper * * * a heavy groundwood paper in sheets of various… … Useful english dictionary
construction paper — A fairly stiff paper available in various colors, and useful for tempera painting, collage, and paper sculpture. Its colors typically fade easily. Also see butcher paper, lightfast, permanent, permanent pigment, and tooth … Glossary of Art Terms
construction paper — con struction ,paper noun uncount AMERICAN thick paper produced in a variety of colors and used especially by children … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
construction paper — noun Date: circa 1924 a thick groundwood paper available in many colors and used especially for school artwork … New Collegiate Dictionary
construction paper — a heavy groundwood paper in sheets of various sizes and colors for use esp. in making posters and cutouts. [1920 25] * * * … Universalium
construction paper — noun Thick colored paper that people cut out to make designs, models, etc … Wiktionary
construction paper — thick paper that is produced in many colors (commonly used in arts and crafts) … English contemporary dictionary
construction paper — construc′tion pa per n. fia a heavy groundwood paper used esp. in making posters and cutouts • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
Paper cartridge — refers to one of various types of small arms ammunition used before the advent of the metallic cartridge. These cartridges consisted of a paper cylinder or cone containing the bullet, gunpowder, and, in some cases, a primer or a lubricating and… … Wikipedia