- constipation
- [͵kɒnstıʹpeıʃ(ə)n] n мед.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
constipation — [ kɔ̃stipasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • fin XIIIe; de constiper ♦ Difficulté dans l évacuation des selles. Laxatif contre la constipation. Constipation chronique. ⊗ CONTR. Diarrhée. ● constipation nom féminin (latin constipatio, onis) Rareté ou difficulté de l… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Constipation — Con sti*pa tion, n. [L. constipatio a crowding together: cf. F. constipation.] 1. Act of crowding anything into a less compass, or the state of being crowded or pressed together; condensation. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Fullness of matter, or a pretty … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
constipation — CONSTIPATION. subs. fém. État de celui qui est constipé. Une si longue constipation est dangereuse … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
constipation — Constipation. sub. f. v. Estat de celuy qui est constipé. Une si longue constipation est dangereuse … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
constipation — [kän΄stə pā′shən] n. [ME constipacioun < OFr constipation < L constipatio: see CONSTIPATE] a condition in which the feces are hard and elimination from the bowels is infrequent and difficult … English World dictionary
Constipation — (v. lat. Constipatio alvi), Hartleibigkeit, Verstopfung; daher Constipirende Mittel u. Stoffe (Constipantia), Arzneien od. Nahrungsmittel, welche den Durchlauf hemmen u. Hartleibigkeit bewirken; Constipirt, verstopft, hartleibig … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Constipation — Constipation, lat., Verstopfung des Stuhlganges; constipirende Mittel, solche, welche C. verursachen … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
constipation — CONSTIPATION: Tous les gens de lettres sont constipés. Influe sur les convictions politiques … Dictionnaire des idées reçues
constipation — (n.) c.1400, constriction of tissue, from L.L. constipationem (nom. constipatio), noun of state from L. constipare to press or crowd together, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + stipare to cram, pack (see STIFF (Cf. stiff) (adj.)). Specif … Etymology dictionary
constipation — ► NOUN ▪ a difficulty in emptying the bowels, associated with hardened faeces … English terms dictionary
Constipation — in a young child as seen by X ray. Circles represent areas of fecal matter (stool is opaque white surrounded by black bowel gas) … Wikipedia