- consonantal
- [͵kɒnsəʹnæntl] a
1. согласный (о звуке)2. состоящий из согласных, построенный на согласных
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Consonantal — Con so*nan tal, a. Of the nature of a consonant; pertaining to consonants. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
consonantal — adj. 2 g. Relativo às letras consoantes … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
consonantal — [kän΄sə nant′ l] adj. 1. having the nature or function of a consonant 2. of or having a consonant or consonants … English World dictionary
consonantal — adjective 1. being or marked by or containing or functioning as a consonant (Freq. 4) consonantal sounds a consonantal Hebrew text consonantal alliteration a consonantal cluster • Ant: ↑vocalic … Useful english dictionary
consonantal — consonant ► NOUN 1) a speech sound in which the breath is at least partly obstructed and which forms a syllable when combined with a vowel. 2) a letter representing such a sound. ► ADJECTIVE (consonant with) ▪ in agreement or harmony with.… … English terms dictionary
consonantal — adjective Date: 1795 relating to, being, or marked by a consonant or group of consonants … New Collegiate Dictionary
consonantal — consonantally, adv. /kon seuh nan tl/, adj. 1. of, or of the nature of, a consonant. 2. marked by consonant sounds. Also, consonantic. [1785 95; CONSONANT + AL1] * * * … Universalium
consonantal — adjective /ˈkɒn.sə.nʌnt.əl/ a) of, relating to, or functioning as a consonant b) containing one or more consonants Ant: vocalic … Wiktionary
consonantal — con·so·nan·tal || ‚kÉ’nsÉ™ næntl adj. (Phonetics) pertaining to consonants (type of sound characterized by closure in the breath channel) … English contemporary dictionary
consonantal — con·so·nan·tal … English syllables
consonantal — con•so•nan•tal [[t]ˌkɒn səˈnæn tl[/t]] adj. phn consisting of or containing consonants • Etymology: 1785–95 con so•nan′tal•ly, adv … From formal English to slang