
[kənʹsıdə] v
1. рассматривать, обсуждать; обдумывать

to consider a request [a matter, a proposal, a question, a claim] - рассмотреть просьбу [дело, предложение, вопрос, претензию]

2. 1) обдумывать

let me consider a little - дайте мне подумать немного

2) задумать, предполагать или намереваться (сделать что-л.); подумывать (о чём-л.)

to consider a job in the city - подумывать о работе в городе, собираться устроиться на работу в городе

an act no normal man would consider - поступок, который нормальному человеку и в голову не придёт (совершить)

3. принимать во внимание, учитывать

all things considered - принимая всё во внимание

4. полагать, считать

we consider him (to be) a clever man - мы считаем его умным человеком

we consider that you are not to blame - мы считаем, что вы не виноваты

I consider myself happy - я считаю себя счастливым

consider yourself at home - чувствуйте себя /будьте/ как дома

if you consider it necessary - если вы считаете это необходимым

5. проявлять уважение (к кому-л.); считаться (с кем-л.)

to consider others - считаться с другими, проявлять к другим уважение

to consider the feelings of others - считаться с чувством других

6. юр. судить по совокупности (с ранее совершёнными преступлениями)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "consider" в других словарях:

  • consider — 1 Consider, study, contemplate, weigh, excogitate are comparable chiefly as transitive verbs meaning to fix the mind for a time on something in order to increase one s knowledge or understanding of it or to solve a problem involved in it.… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • consider — in the meaning ‘to regard as being’, occurs in three typical constructions, two that are accepted and a third that is disputed: (1) with a noun or adjective complement in apposition to the object: I consider them friends / I consider them… …   Modern English usage

  • Consider — Con*sid er (k[o^]n*s[i^]d [ e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Considered} (k[o^]n*s[i^]d [ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Considering}.] [F. consid[ e]rer, L. considerare, sideratum, to consider, view attentively, prob. fr. con + sidus, sideris, star,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consider — [kən sid′ər] vt. [ME consideren < OFr considerer < L considerare, to look at closely, observe < com , with + sidus, a star: see SIDEREAL] 1. Archaic to look at carefully; examine 2. to think about in order to understand or decide; ponder …   English World dictionary

  • Consider — Con*sid er, v. i. 1. To think seriously; to make examination; to reflect; to deliberate. [1913 Webster] We will consider of your suit. Shak. [1913 Webster] T were to consider too curiously, to consider so. Shak. [1913 Webster] She wished she had… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Consider — can refer to: Consider (MUD), a capability in some MUDs Consider magazine, a student run publication at the University of Michigan Consider This, an album by country music singer Aaron Pritchett Consider Phlebas, a science fiction novel by Iain M …   Wikipedia

  • consider — I verb advert to, analyze, appraise, assess, be attentive, cerebrate, cogitate, confer, considerare, consult, contemplate, debate, deliberate, devote attention to, digest, evaluate, examine, expendere, gauge, heed, inspect, investigate, mark,… …   Law dictionary

  • consider — late 14c., from O.Fr. considerer (13c.) reflect on, consider, study, from L. considerare to look at closely, observe, perhaps lit. to observe the stars, from com with (see COM (Cf. com )) + sidus (gen. sideris) constellation (see SIDEREAL (Cf …   Etymology dictionary

  • consider — [v1] turn over in one’s mind acknowledge, allow for, assent to, chew over*, cogitate, concede, consult, contemplate, deal with, deliberate, dream of, envisage, examine, excogitate, favor, flirt with*, grant, inspect, keep in mind, look at,… …   New thesaurus

  • consider — ► VERB 1) think carefully about. 2) believe or think. 3) take into account when making a judgement. 4) look attentively at. ORIGIN Latin considerare examine , perhaps from sidus star …   English terms dictionary

  • consider — con|sid|er W1S1 [kənˈsıdə US ər] v ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(think about)¦ 2¦(opinion)¦ 3¦(people s feelings)¦ 4¦(important fact)¦ 5¦(discuss)¦ 6¦(look at)¦ 7 Consider it done ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1300 1400; : Old French; Origin: considerer, from …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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