
1. [kənʹsɜ:vət(ə)rı] n
1. 1) теплица, оранжерея
2) зимний сад
2. обыкн. амер. консерватория
2. [kənʹsɜ:vət(ə)rı] a
1. охраняющий, охранительный
2. консервирующий

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "conservatory" в других словарях:

  • Conservatory — may refer to the following: Conservatory (greenhouse), a large, highly detailed residential solarium or a greenhouse where plants are cultivated Music school or a school devoted to other arts such as dance Sunroom, a smaller glass enclosure… …   Wikipedia

  • Conservatory — Con*serv a*to*ry, n. [Cf. F. conservatoire, LL. conservatorium.] 1. That which preserves from injury. [Obs.] A conservatory of life. Jer. Taylor. [1913 Webster] 2. A place for preserving anything from loss, decay, waste, or injury; particulary, a …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conservatory — [kən sʉr′və tôr΄ē] adj. [< ModL & It: ModL conservatorium, a greenhouse < ML, a preserver < LL, neut. of conservatorius, preserving < conservatus, pp. of conservare; It conservatorio, a refuge, academy, conservatory < conservare… …   English World dictionary

  • Conservatory — Con*serv a*to*ry, a. [Cf. F. conservatoire, LL. conservatorius.] Having the quality of preserving from loss, decay, or injury. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conservatory — index protective, repository, store (depository), treasury Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • conservatory — 1560s, preservative; 1660s, greenhouse, from stem of CONSERVATION (Cf. conservation) + ORY (Cf. ory). In sense school for performing arts it is recorded from 1842, from It. conservatorio or Fr. conservatoire, originally hospital for foundlings in …   Etymology dictionary

  • conservatory — [n] greenhouse cold frame, glasshouse, hot house, nursery; concept 439 …   New thesaurus

  • conservatory — ► NOUN (pl. conservatories) 1) Brit. a room with a glass roof and walls, attached to a house and used as a sun lounge or a greenhouse. 2) chiefly N. Amer. a conservatoire …   English terms dictionary

  • conservatory — /keuhn serr veuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, n., pl. conservatories, adj. n. 1. a school giving instruction in one or more of the fine or dramatic arts; specifically, a school of music. 2. a greenhouse, usually attached to a dwelling, for growing and… …   Universalium

  • conservatory — [[t]kənsɜ͟ː(r)vətri, AM tɔːri[/t]] conservatories 1) N COUNT A conservatory is a room with glass walls and a glass roof, which is attached to a house. People often grow plants in a conservatory. 2) N COUNT: oft in names A conservatory is an… …   English dictionary

  • conservatory — n. a music conservatory * * * [kən sɜːvət(ə)rɪ] a music conservatory …   Combinatory dictionary

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