- consentience
- [kənʹsenʃ(ə)ns] n книжн.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
consentience — index accordance (understanding), agreement (concurrence), consensus Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
consentience — /keuhn sen sheuhns/, n. 1. agreement or unity of opinion; concurrence. 2. the faculty of synthesizing sensations, without the use of the intellect or without consciousness, in reflex or involuntary actions. [1875 80; CONSENTI(ENT) + ENCE] * * * … Universalium
consentience — con·sen·tience … English syllables
consentience — kənˈsen(t)shəns noun ( s) : unity of consciousness felt as arising from sensation without regard to intellect … Useful english dictionary
consentient — consentiently, adv. /keuhn sen sheuhnt/, adj. 1. agreeing; accordant. 2. acting in harmonious agreement. 3. unanimous, as an opinion. 4. characterized by or having consentience. [1615 25; < L consentient (s. of consentiens, prp. of consentire to… … Universalium
agreement — agree·ment n 1 a: the act or fact of agreeing by mutual agreement b: unity of opinion, understanding, or intent; esp: the mutual assent of contracting parties to the same terms if they reach agreement ◇ Under common law, agreement is a necessary… … Law dictionary
accordance — I (compact) noun accommodation, accord, adjustment, agreement, arrangement, conciliation, concord, concordance, concurrence, consonance, contract, entente cordiale, pact, reconcilement, reconciliation, settlement, unison, unity II (understanding) … Law dictionary
consensus — I noun acclamation, accord, acknowledgment, affirmance, affirmation, agreement, assonance, attonement, bipartisanship, common consent, compact, compatibility, concent, concentus, concert, concinnity, concord, concordance, concurrence, conformance … Law dictionary
general agreement — I noun acclamation, accord, acquiescence, affirmance, affirmation, common consent, concord, concordance, concurrence, consensus, consent, consentaneity, consentience, harmony, like mindedness, meeting of minds, unanimousness, understanding, union … Law dictionary
mutual agreement — I noun acclamation, accord, accordance, affirmation, common consent, concord, concordance, concurrent agreement, consensus, consentaneity, consentience, contract, general agreement, likemindedness, meeting of the minds, mutual arrangement, mutual … Law dictionary
community — n 1. neighborhood, borough, district, township, parish; hamlet, town, Archaic. wick, Archaic. thorp, village, burg; municipality, city, metropolis; settlement, colony. 2. society, public, general public, commonalty, commonweal, body politic,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder