- conscientious objector
- [(͵)kɒnʃı͵enʃəsəbʹdʒektə]
лицо, отказывающееся от несения военной службы по религиозным или другим соображениям
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
conscientious objector — n. A person who refuses to serve in the armed forces due to ethical, moral, or religious objections to war. See also pacifist The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.… … Law dictionary
conscientious objector — ☆ conscientious objector n. a person who for reasons of conscience refuses to take part in warfare * * * One who opposes participation in military service, on the basis of religious, philosophical, or political belief. A feature of Western… … Universalium
conscientious objector — 1896, in reference to those with religious scruples about mandatory vaccination. Military sense predominated from World War I. After a chequered career full of startling episodes and reversals, the Vaccination Bill becomes virtually the… … Etymology dictionary
conscientious objector — conscientious objectors N COUNT A conscientious objector is a person who refuses to join the armed forces because they think that it is morally wrong to do so … English dictionary
conscientious objector — Conscientious objectors are persons who refuse to participate in an activity that they consider unethical or contrary to their moral or religious principles; for example, a conscientious objector might refuse to serve in the military on the… … Glossary of theological terms
conscientious objector — ► NOUN ▪ a person who refuses to serve in the armed forces for reasons of conscience … English terms dictionary
conscientious objector — ☆ conscientious objector n. a person who for reasons of conscience refuses to take part in warfare … English World dictionary
Conscientious objector — Conscription Military service National service Conscription crisis Conscientious objection Civilian service … Wikipedia
conscientious objector — noun one who refuses to serve in the armed forces on grounds of conscience (Freq. 3) • Syn: ↑CO • Hypernyms: ↑dissenter, ↑dissident, ↑protester, ↑objector, ↑contestant * * * noun, pl … Useful english dictionary
conscientious objector — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms conscientious objector : singular conscientious objector plural conscientious objectors someone who refuses to take part in a war because they are morally opposed to all war and violence … English dictionary
conscientious objector — One who, by reason of religious training and belief, is conscientiously opposed to participation in war. Such person need not be a member of a religious sect whose creed forbids participation in war to be entitled to classification as a… … Black's law dictionary