
[ʹkʌndʒə] v
1. показывать фокусы

the magician conjured a rabbit out of a hat - фокусник извлёк /вынул/ кролика из цилиндра

2. колдовать, заниматься магией
3. (тж. conjure up)
1) вызывать в воображении

to conjure up vision of the past - вызвать в памяти картины прошлого

2) вызывать (духов)

to conjure up the spirits of the dead - вызывать души умерших

4. часто шутл. сделать как по волшебству; достать чудом

to conjure up a whole meal in a jiffy - ≅ в один момент каким-то чудом обед оказался на столе

5. [kənʹdʒʋə]уст. умолять, заклинать

I conjure you to leave me - умоляю /заклинаю/, оставь меня

she conjured his help - она взывала к нему о помощи

a name to conjure with - ≅ его фамилия имеет магическую силу; влиятельное лицо

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Смотреть что такое "conjure" в других словарях:

  • conjuré — conjuré, ée [ kɔ̃ʒyre ] n. • 1213; lat. conjuratus → conjurer ♦ Membre d une conjuration. La scène « où Cinna rend compte de son entrevue avec les conjurés » (Voltaire). ● conjuré, conjurée nom (latin conjuratus) Personne qui prend part à une… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Conjure — Con jure, v. t. To affect or effect by conjuration; to call forth or send away by magic arts; to excite or alter, as if by magic or by the aid of supernatural powers. [1913 Webster] The habitation which your prophet . . . conjured the devil into …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conjuré — conjuré, ée (kon ju ré, rée) part. passé. 1°   Qui prend part à un complot. •   Puissent tous ses voisins ensemble conjurés Saper ses fondements encor mal assurés, CORN. Hor. IV, 5. •   Rome poursuit en vous un ennemi fatal Plus conjuré contre… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • conjure — ► VERB (usu. conjure up) 1) cause to appear as if by magic. 2) call to the mind. 3) call upon (a spirit) to appear by magic. 4) archaic implore to do something. ● a name to conjure with Cf. ↑a name to conjure with …   English terms dictionary

  • conjure — late 13c., command on oath, from O.Fr. conjurer invoke, conjure (12c.), from L. conjurare to swear together; conspire, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + jurare to swear (see JURY (Cf. jury) (n.)). Magical sense is c.1300, for co …   Etymology dictionary

  • Conjure — Con*jure (k[o^]n*j[=u]r ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conjured} ( j[=u]rd ); p. pr. & vb. n. {Conjuring}.] [F. conjurer, fr. L. conjurare to swear together, to conspire; con + jurare to swear. See {Jury}.] To call on or summon by a sacred name or in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conjure — I verb call to mind, conceive, conceptualize, contemplate, create, devise, dream up, envisage, excogitare, excogitate, fabricate, fancy, fingere, form an image, formulate, frame, give play to the imagination, have a vision, imagine, improvise,… …   Law dictionary

  • conjure — [v1] appeal to, implore adjure, ask, beg, beseech, brace, crave, entreat, importune, pray, supplicate, urge; concept 48 Ant. disgust, turn off conjure [v2] cast spell bewitch, call upon, charm, enchant, ensorcel, entrance, exorcise, fascinate,… …   New thesaurus

  • conjuré — Conjuré, [conjur]ée. part. Il a les significations de son verbe. Il est quelquefois subst. & n a d usage qu au pluriel. & l on appelle, Les Conjurez, ceux qui ont conjuré. On se saisit des conjurez. c est un des conjurez …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • conjure — [kun′jər, kän′jər; ] for vi.1 & vt.1 [ kən joor′] vi. conjured, conjuring [ME conjuren < OFr conjurer < L conjurare, to swear together, conspire < com , together + jurare, to swear: see JURY1] 1. Obs. to be sworn in a conspiracy 2. in… …   English World dictionary

  • Conjure — Con*jure , v. i. To combine together by an oath; to conspire; to confederate. [A Latinism] [1913 Webster] Drew after him the third part of Heaven s sons Conjured against the Highest. Milton. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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