- conglutinant
- [kənʹglu:tınənt] a
1. склеивающий2. мед. способствующий срастанию, заживлению ран
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
conglutinant — ⇒CONGLUTINANT, ANTE, part. prés. et adj. I. Part. prés. de conglutiner. II. Adj. [En parlant de choses] Qui a la propriété de conglutiner, de réunir ensemble deux ou plusieurs corps. MÉD. Remède, substance, etc., conglutinant(e). Qui a la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
conglutinant — conglutinant, ante (kon glu ti nan, nan t ) adj. Terme de médecine. Remède conglutinant, remède qui a la vertu de conglutiner. Substantivement. Les conglutinants … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Conglutinant — Con*glu ti*nant, a. [L., conglutinans, p. pr.] Cementing together; uniting closely; causing to adhere; promoting healing, as of a wound or a broken bone, by adhesion of the parts. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conglutinant — [kən glo͞ot′ n ənt] adj. [< L conglutinans, prp. of conglutinare: see CONGLUTINATE] 1. conglutinating 2. Med. promoting healing or uniting, as of the edges of a wound … English World dictionary
conglutinant — kənˈglütənənt, (ˈ)kän|g adjective Etymology: Latin conglutinant , conglutinans, present participle of conglutinare : causing to adhere : promoting adhesion (as between the lips of a wound) * * * /keuhn glooht n euhnt, keuhng /, adj. Med.… … Useful english dictionary
conglutinant — /keuhn glooht n euhnt, keuhng /, adj. Med. promoting the union of a wound s edges. [1820 30; < L conglutinant , s. of conglutinans, prp. of conglutinare to make cohere; see CONGLUTINATE] * * * … Universalium
CONGLUTINANT, ANTE — adj. Qui colle ensemble deux ou plusieurs corps. Il est aussi employé comme nom masculin. Un conglutinant … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)
conglutinant — adjective That cements together, especially that heals a wound by adhering its edges … Wiktionary
conglutinant — Adhesive, promoting the union of a wound. [L. con glutino, pp. atus, to glue together, fr. gluten, glue] * * * con·glu·ti·nant (kən glooґtĭ nənt) [L. conglutinare to glue together] promoting union, as of the edges of a wound … Medical dictionary
conglutinant — con·glu·ti·nant … English syllables
conglutinatif — conglutinant, ante [kɔ̃glytinɑ̃, ɑ̃t] ou conglutinatif, ive [kɔ̃glytinatif, iv] adj. ÉTYM. 1819, conglutinant, in D. D. L.; conglutinatif, XVIe; de conglutiner. ❖ ♦ Méd. Propre à conglutiner. ♦ Vx ou didact. || Remède conglutinant. N. m … Encyclopédie Universelle