
1. [kənʹglɒm(ə)rıt] n
1. конгломерат; смесь разнородных элементов
2. эк. (промышленный) конгломерат, многопрофильная корпорация
3. геол. конгломерат, обломочная порода
2. [kənʹglɒm(ə)rıt] a
1. собранный, соединённый

conglomerate gland - анат. железа с клубочковым строением, железа с несколькими долями

2. эк. многоотраслевой
3. [kənʹglɒməreıt] v
1) превращать в общую массу
2) превращаться в общую массу

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "conglomerate" в других словарях:

  • Conglomerate — may refer to: Conglomerate (company) Conglomerate (geology) The Conglomerate (comics), a corporate sponsored superhero team in the DC Universe The Conglomerate, a jazz quartet from Melbourne, Australia Respect My Conglomerate , a 2009 single by… …   Wikipedia

  • conglomerate — con·glom·er·ate /kən glä mə rət/ n: a widely diversified company; esp: a corporation that acquires other companies whose activities are unrelated to the corporation s primary activity Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • Conglomerate — Con*glom er*ate, a. [L. conglomeratus, p. p. of conglomerare to roll together; con + glomerare to wind into a ball. See {Glomerate}.] 1. Gathered into a ball or a mass; collected together; concentrated; as, conglomerate rays of light. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Conglomerate — Con*glom er*ate, n. 1. That which is heaped together in a mass or conpacted from various sources; a mass formed of fragments; collection; accumulation. [1913 Webster] A conglomerate of marvelous anecdotes, marvelously heaped together. Trench.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • conglomerate — ► NOUN 1) something consisting of a number of different and distinct things. 2) a large corporation formed by the merging of separate firms. 3) Geology a coarse grained sedimentary rock composed of rounded fragments cemented together. ► ADJECTIVE …   English terms dictionary

  • conglomerate — [kən gläm′ər at′ikkən gläm′ər āt΄; ] for adj. & n. [, kən gläm′ər it] vt., vi. conglomerated, conglomerating [< L conglomeratus, pp. of conglomerare, to roll together < com , together + glomerare, to gather into a ball < glomus, a ball… …   English World dictionary

  • conglomerate — [adj] composite amassed, assorted, blended, clustered, heterogeneous, indiscriminate, massed, melded, miscellaneous, mixed, motley, multifarious, promiscuous, varied, variegated; concepts 490,589 Ant. individual, separate, single conglomerate [n] …   New thesaurus

  • Conglomerate — Con*glom er*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Conglomerated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Conglomerating}.] To gather into a ball or round body; to collect into a mass. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Conglomerāte — Conglomerāte, Gesteine, wo abgerundete Stücken od. Geschiebe anderer Felsarten durch ein Bindemittel, gewöhnlich Thon, Mergel od. Kalk, mit einander verkittet sind; sie sind neptunische Bildungen u. treten bes. in den jüngeren Formationen auf …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Conglomerate — Conglomerate, nennt man solche Gesteine, bei welchen eckige oder abgerundete Stücke verschiedener Mineralien, einfacher und gemengter Gesteine, durch ein Bindemittel zusammengekittet sind, das theils ein einfaches, theils ein gemengtes ist.… …   Herders Conversations-Lexikon

  • conglomerate — conglomerate, conglomeration agglomerate, agglomeration, *aggregate, aggregation Analogous words: mass, heap, pile, stack (see under HEAP vb): accumulation, amassment, hoarding or hoard (see corresponding verbs at ACCUMULATE) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

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