confined — adj. 1. having movement restricted to within a certain area; usually a building. Opposite of {unconfined}. Note: [Narrower terms: {claustrophobic}; {close, confining}; {homebound, housebound, shut in}; {in childbed(prenominal)}; {pent, shut… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
confined — index arrested (apprehended), in custody, insular, limited, narrow, partial (part), private (not public) … Law dictionary
confined — [adj] limited, enclosed bedfast, bedridden, bottled up, bound, chilled, circumscribed, compassed, cooped up, cramp, cramped, detained, flattened out, grounded, hampered, held, hog tied*, iced*, immured, imprisoned, incarcerated, in chains,… … New thesaurus
confined — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ (of a space) enclosed; cramped … English terms dictionary
confined — [[t]kənfa͟ɪnd[/t]] 1) ADJ: v link ADJ to n If something is confined to a particular place, it exists only in that place. If it is confined to a particular group, only members of that group have it. The problem is not confined to Germany... These… … English dictionary
confined — con|fined [kənˈfaınd] adj 1.) be confined to sb/sth to exist in or affect only a particular place or group ▪ The risk of infection is confined to groups such as medical personnel. 2.) a confined space or area is one that is very small ▪ It wasn t … Dictionary of contemporary English
Confined — Confine Con*fine (k[o^]n*f[imac]n ), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Confined}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Confining}.] [F. confiner to border upon, LL. confinare to set bounds to; con + finis boundary, end. See {Final}, {Finish}.] To restrain within limits; to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
confined — adjective a confined space or area is one that is very small: It wasn t easy to sleep in such a confined space … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
confined — Imprisoned; required to remain in one place. As the word is used in a sick benefit insurance policy, a person is confined, when his illness keeps him at home and totally disables him from following his vocation. The word does not import that he… … Ballentine's law dictionary
confined — adj. Confined is used with these nouns: ↑quarter, ↑space … Collocations dictionary
confined — con|fined [ kən faınd ] adjective a confined space is so small that you cannot move around in it easily … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English